Example sentences of "[is] no [noun sg] for [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 It is no offence for him to engage in other sexual acts with her , unless these are otherwise unlawful , although it is an offence for him to commit an act of buggery or gross indecency with a male patient who is mentally disordered .
2 We are saying that , under the legislation for the trusts , there is no obligation for them to train , despite what the hon. Lady has said .
3 ‘ When he played in the second row there is no space for him to run into .
4 There is no provision for it to order a payment on account of costs .
5 Ms Bridges added : ‘ We have proved 100 per cent to our satisfaction that Norman Lamont was not in the Praed Street shop and there is no benefit for us to lie about it .
6 Still , that is no reason for me to advertise my acquaintance with such as yourself .
7 ‘ There is no reason for me to hide any longer .
8 ‘ Just because he wants to leave is no reason for us to strike a bargain price , ’ Bassett said yesterday .
9 Perhaps he walks on the right side , with just the metal grid fence separating him from the rolling fields of graves — in no hurry , since there is no class for him to make .
10 If he can not balance and control his movements , it is no use for him to try to practise ‘ walking ’ with the help of therapists or nurses .
11 Where the dealer acted as counterparty to the contract he may be willing to unwind the contract with a customer but there is no incentive for him to do so at a competitive price .
12 Because enterprises receive the official , rather than the higher , black market , price , there is no incentive for them to increase production .
13 In this case their prediction model mimics the behaviour of the correct model so closely that there is no incentive for them to seek out further information to refine their predictions .
14 Regardless of what other people contribute , there is no incentive for you to contribute : you are a free-rider .
15 The KGB is answerable to no one and does not even need to attempt to justify what it does or how it does it , therefore there is no incentive for it to become more efficient .
16 There is no compulsion for them to vet their staff and no national organisation to control them .
17 Although you may select a borrowing limit of £3,000 , for example , there is no compulsion for you to withdraw that amount at once , or at all — you take out just as much as you want .
18 There is no need for me to live and die in this little world , with my only view a view out of the same window , at the same spruce-trees , the view from my bed .
19 And so on , and so forth , there is no need for me to elaborate further , you understand me well enough … ’
20 There is no need for me to speak to Celia , ’ and I rang off .
21 ‘ Perhaps she knew we had proof of her treachery , but there is no need for her to fear our vengeance . ’
22 Yet , Gaily told himself , there is no need for her to worry .
23 ‘ There is no need for them to slaughter me .
24 Given full rein to run as far as they want , the plants are living very well and do n't feel in any particular danger , so there is no need for them to waste energy by perpetuating the species and going to the trouble of producing flower and setting seed .
25 Is n't it because women are by nature inferior , and know it , so usually there is no need for them to crave to be treated as inferior ?
27 ‘ There is no need for you to go , ’ said Taheb .
28 Normally , there is no need for you to see the Bank Manager unless you wish to do so — we can give you the ‘ OK ’ from the information on the form .
29 ‘ So there is no need for you to concern yourself on your brother 's behalf . ’
30 Of course I am , there is no need for you to elaborate .
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