Example sentences of "[is] more [adj] to be [art] " in BNC.

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1 This means that in most cases it is more likely to be a matter of relaxing the forward pressure to allow the aircraft to level out rather than pulling it out with a positive backward pressure on the stick .
2 At supper there is more likely to be a simple salad than a roast on the menu , which has the advantage of leaving you with more room to do proper justice to the pudding .
3 On that evidence , therefore , and in spite of last night 's ominous phrases that the government would not tolerate ‘ chaos and anarchy ’ , it seems that the statement is more likely to be a specific warning — that people breaking in to armouries to steal weapons or ammunition could expect to be met by physical force — than a sign that the military are planning a political takeover .
4 After his broadcast on Thursday , it is more likely to be a new , and even bloodier , phase of his war .
5 It is more likely to be a wonder I have borne with things so long .
6 The majority of men who survive can expect to have the support of a wife up to the age of 85 , but any woman over 72 is more likely to be a widow left on her own .
7 The boxer hero is more likely to be a nasty thug who glares at his opponent at the weigh-in and acts like Mr Nasty .
8 There is more likely to be a gradual wearing down of viral disease , with a wide variety of drugs becoming increasingly effective against specific types of virus .
9 So while we may now know something about who is more likely to abuse and who is more likely to be a victim , we do not know why , when , how often and with what degree of certainty , abuse will take place , nor what the consequences will be for the child .
10 But according to Andrea Bacchi and Desideria Cavina , the authors of ‘ Sembrare e Non Essere ’ ( ‘ It Seems So and Is n't ’ ) , a new book on art fakes due to be published this autumn by Longanesi of Milan , the venerated Guidarello sepulchral sculpture is more likely to be a product of the 1820s .
11 All it means is that a preference for managerial power rather than recognition is more likely to be a successful mix for a manager .
12 But since this proportion is relatively small , the main explanation for the neglect of women in the study of retirement is more likely to be a combination of two particular factors .
13 I tell myself that silence is more likely to be a personal choice than an imposed one . ’
14 So the adult response to a child 's tears is more likely to be a brushing aside than an extension of sympathy .
15 And their very clear view based on their long and practical experience of the Greater York development market , is that a location South South West of York is more likely to be a successful location particularly for the employment component of the new settlement , than any other sector of York .
16 McCrea sums up the Western code by his declaration that all his wants is to ‘ enter my house justified ’ while Scott is more easy-going and hence survives to mourn his partner in a world where a Westerner is more likely to be an unshaven brute played by Warren Oates than a white-hatted , true-hearted paladin .
17 Low cusped molars with thick enamel ( although this is more likely to be an ancestral character for the pongine and hominine clades ( Box2 ) )
18 The type of person who goes on this holiday to destinations for example want somewhere unusual perhaps to India , is more likely to be an alocentric person cos they 're getting away from the crowds .
19 It is more likely to be an intracellular effect of tubulin binding .
20 If a lavatory seat is to be responsible then it is more likely to be the male who suffers .
21 Used as I am , of course , to drinking from glittering crystal , I admit that for everyday use it is more likely to be the ordinary glass you buy from Woolies or Habitat — sensible , cheap , and reasonably designed .
22 For example for ‘ ha ? ’ , if had , hag , ham , has , hat , haw and hay were found to be candidates , it would be left to further stages of analysis of the system to determine which of these is more likely to be the intended word , although they can be suggested in order of their frequency of use calculated from a corpus of English text .
23 In other households there will be younger sons and daughters who are in paid work and this is more likely to be the case among those households in which the younger elderly live .
24 The ‘ giant sucking sound ’ that Ross Perot keeps hearing , and which he thinks is the rush of American jobs to Mexico under the North American Free Trade Agreement , is more likely to be the magnetic pull of the still-irresistible United States .
25 But since on this occasion the words were dictated to the child it is more likely to be the child 's efforts to repeat the sound to herself and to write down her idea of a phonic equivalent .
26 But because the brain is such a finely equilibrated and dynamic system , with great capacities for self-adjustment and control , the effect of disrupting its biochemistry by flooding it , via a pill , with some drug which affects protein synthesis , or particular neurotransmitters or neuromodulators , is more likely to be the equivalent of trying to retune a radio or reprogram a computer by jamming a screwdriver into its circuit boards .
27 Some geographers have considered this aspect and we will look at their work in a moment , but our basic concern , when considering settlement sites , is more likely to be the relationship to local land uses and access to resources .
28 Furthermore , earn outs encourage the vendor to concentrate on short-term profitability whereas the purchaser 's concern is more likely to be the long-term prospects of the business .
29 Then that 's that 's more likely to be a target .
30 Erm no it 's more likely to be a calendar month that she works on and fortunately February has four weeks in it this year for where our pay day is so I would be putting it in sort of like Feb first .
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