Example sentences of "[is] know to [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Purely from a financial perspective , have you any idea how much more valuable the cottage will be when it 's known to be one of Piers 's creations ? ’
2 Surely they only take place when the data 's known to be applicable to people . ’
3 Dr de Klerk , who has acted as an adviser to the anti-apartheid Democratic Party , is known to be close to his brother , but politics is rarely on the agenda when they meet .
4 Is a clause which is known to be unenforceable in certain circumstances an unreasonable one ?
5 Di is known to be bored by the riding-shooting-fishing routine which the Royals love on their Scottish holiday .
6 For example , the regional distribution of residential and foster care services in the United Kingdom is known to be uneven with some local authorities using EBD schools and residential care far more frequently than others ( Fuller and Stevenson , 1983 ) .
7 If the student is known to be competent at planning , and it is the details of execution we are to teach , then a double objective would be acceptable .
8 If we include here that part of the Dalradian succession which is known to be Cambrian in age , then there would be an ocean of unknown width lost in the space now occupied by the Southern Uplands of Scotland .
9 Movement in such species is known to be due to turgor changes in the specialised hinge-like regions of the leaf , known as pulvini .
10 Whooping cough vaccine is known to be effective in preventing the illness ( or at least lessening its effects ) in an individual .
11 In many societies this office confers status : though not necessarily ( if the doctor is known to be guilty of malpractices , for example ) .
12 A substantial minority of shareholders is known to be opposed to a sale , feeling the company is worth at least £200 million .
13 USL , which is known to be interested in porting the desktop Unix to as many volume architectures as possible ( UX No 377 ) , says it is progressing its talks with HP and IBM to gain their cooperation in moving Destiny to their architectures .
14 This was accomplished indirectly by measuring pancreatic polypeptide ( PP ) secretion , which is known to be dependent on cholinergic tone and reduced during hyperglycaemia in healthy subjects .
15 China is known to be worried about who to send to plead its cause at the final presentations in Monte Carlo on September 23rd .
16 Soya based formulas should only be used with medical advice when a baby is known to be allergic to cow 's milk formula , as soya protein is just as allergenic as cow 's milk .
17 In such cases unemployment is known to be impending at the outset of the contract and therefore the exclusion ‘ unemployment known to be impending at the commencement of insurance ’ will apply with a resultant repudiation of the claim .
18 The inspectorate is known to be concerned about the pollution the plant will cause and is planning an eight-week consultation process on the basis of a draft authorization ( setting out permitted discharge levels for a range of pollutants ) due to be published shortly .
19 The same is known to be true of the reel-to-reel tapes favoured by the older mainframe computers .
20 The individual 's level of stress is known to be important in relation to maintaining a safe environment .
21 The US motor industry is known to be sceptical over whether the timescale proposed for the new emission levels can be met .
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