Example sentences of "[is] so [adj] that [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the factory food we eat is so tasteless that in desperation people reach for the brown sauce , tomato ketchup or pickles to perk it up .
2 This is so serious that for world championship flying , many gliders are now fitted with a means of cleaning off the leading edges of the wings in flight .
3 But tests have shown that Actomite is so effective that after treatment the House Dust Mite population is significantly reduced for up to three months .
4 The blight of cellulite is so big that in France it is recognised as a medical condition and treated with medicines available on prescription .
5 In her early scenes , Ms Robertson 's vocalising is so strident that at times I felt like strapping her to a chair and stuffing a wad of cotton in her mouth .
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