Example sentences of "[is] as if [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When you hear his voice , it 's as if something 's creeping up your cheek . ’
2 It 's as if they 're expecting you to fail academically ; and , if the teacher expects you to fail , then you begin to believe it yourself and you do .
3 It 's as if they 're bowling on a totally different pitch . ’
4 It 's as if they 're saying : ‘ There 's a ten foot wall — jump over it . ’
5 Better , yes , better than erm , some , in the old days when you used to take those photo 's they used to be awful did n't they , erm , everybody sort of look 's as if they were staring and sort of all
6 It 's as if we 're taking responsibility for men 's problem , but if I want to be safe , I feel I have to .
7 It 's as if we 're rehearsing it : what 's my next line ?
8 It 's as if we are gabbling the end of a play we are in .
9 It 's as if we are taking part not in real life but in a piece of reportage on the British constitutional system ’ ( 22 October 1964 ) .
10 ‘ It 's as if everyone is waiting for something , is n't it ? ’
11 It 's as if she is conducting an experiment , with herself as one of the ingredients .
12 And if , it 's as if she were writing a diary , I decided .
13 It 's a romantic notion I know — but to me , with his system idling yet the brain activity so intense , I think it 's as if he 's trying to come to a decision . ’
14 When Odilo has Herta on the bed , splayed and buckled , with her ankles on either side of the headboard , it 's as if he 's trying to kill something rather than create it .
15 It 's as if he 's possessed by some Looney Tune demon .
16 It 's as if he were giving a performance of some character he 's dreamed up , and his pale eyes wander in search of effect even in his apparently wildest moments . ‘
17 It 's as if he was spirited away . ’
18 ‘ I do n't understand ; it 's as if you 're talking about someone else , some stranger .
19 It 's as if you were leaning forward and you overbalanced .
20 It 's as if I was talking to somebody .
21 It 's as if I 'm repaying him for looking after me at school .
22 It is as if one is seeking to give an answer to the question : What advantage does morality bring ?
23 With each attack , it is as if they are meeting the distasteful animal tor the first time .
24 It is as if they are saying , ‘ We believe in Jesus because he proved who he was by working miracles . ’
25 Men , I know , talk of such things with eagerness , with a little contempt ; it is as if they were describing the last meal they had , course by course .
26 It is as if we are attempting to equate the qualities of great wall clock with those of a miniature watch … [ the insect 's optic lobe ] is a marvel of detail , delicacy and precision .
27 And in fact it is as if we 're having , it is if George is actually having two conversations at the same time .
28 It is as if we were to carry our own sonic searchlight with us .
29 It is as if we were to pay family allowances to every third family on a different scale in each place .
30 For the user it is as if everyone were signed on to the same LAN .
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