Example sentences of "[is] that they be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What I find fascinating about these eight pages is that they are sustained by rage — by a controlled yet immense rage against a government which could allow its veterans to die — and that Hemingway has the skill to let his anger unroll , rather like one of the giant waves caused by the hurricane , until his readers are held afloat upon it .
2 I advise the right hon. Member for Morley and Leeds , South that the advantage of organisations such as the Council of Europe and the Western European Union is that they are composed of Members of their own national Parliaments who have roots inside democracies , and that those parliamentarians have spoken and have said no to the inclusion of defence in the competence of the European Community .
3 The essential difference , I feel , is that they are operated by humans in a much more direct way than a computer or beatbox .
4 ‘ The fundamental problem with state-owned industries is that they are rationed of capital .
5 One of the nice things about them is that they are situated in one of the quieter areas between Palma Nova and Magalluf , but it is only a short walk to the beaches and nightlife of both resorts .
6 The problem with these diseases is that they are diagnosed on the basis of indirect evidence of infection rather than by identifying a specific microorganism .
7 There are to be no statutory ombudsmen or ombudswomen to represent the consumer , despite the Government 's admission in their document entitled ’ Citizens Charter Implications for the Regulators of Privatised Utilities ’ : ’ The principal advantage of introducing ombudsmen for each of the utilities is that they are seen by the public to be impartial and independent of all parties . ’
8 The over-riding disadvantage of these programs , however , is that they are limited by the screen resolution of the system on which they were created .
9 The problem with many of our politicians is that they are biased towards the second .
10 The only difference between railways and the other utilities is that they are precieved to be costing the exchequer money , not providing revenue to it .
11 The problem with the conclusions in both sets of experiments is that they are based on the assumption that we can infer when an experience occurs from a subject 's verbal report .
12 ‘ The general result of such discussion is that they are exploited by the ANC and others to conceal the true nature of revolutionary organisations , ’ he said .
13 Their only claim to be local is that they are implemented in a restricted geographical area — but then so are certain aspects of defence and foreign policy !
14 One of the main problems with solar panels is that they are wired in series .
15 One reason why people in our area consistently vote Labour is that they are told by the Opposition that the whole country owes them a living and that everything that has happened to them — the economic misfortunes of past years — has been inflicted purposely by a Conservative Government .
16 What makes some people happy for example , is that they are committed to a cause or to a person ; their happiness derives from something other than the pursuit of happiness .
17 Their legal status is that they are controlled by their ‘ founders ’ , which are local enterprises and , in some cases , local communities of interest .
18 Perhaps the most fundamental characteristic of financial reports is that they are produced by management , they report on management but they are addressed to owners and others external to the reporting organization .
19 Perhaps the reason is that they are dedicated to something outside themselves , namely to God , and are not interested merely in the selfish development of their right hemispheres .
20 The usual procedure for roads within the curtilage of the development site is that they are dedicated to the local authority and adopted .
21 What is indubitable is that they are used of effects , that they can not be used of unnecessitated events , and hence that effects as we understand them are not unnecessitated events .
22 Another reason for selecting Greer 's books is that they are used in almost all of the ILEA schools which do not use the Authority 's SMILE project and in many secondary schools nationally .
23 Often the attraction of broader approaches like counselling is that they are thought to be able to tackle many massive problems at the same time .
24 One of the reasons why Continental and American water fittings such as taps and showers can not be used in this country is that they are designed for use with high-pressure hot and cold water supplies .
25 The most surprising feature of the laminated sediments of the eastern equatorial Pacific is that they are preserved at all in such widespread oxygenated deep sea environments .
26 In particular , the reason that adjectives such as alive and asleep do not occur prenominally is that they are derived from adverbial phrases , and they continue to occupy only those places available to adverbial phrases qualifying a noun phrase .
27 Over the years , I have seen so many private gardens and advised so many gardeners on labour-saving tools and equipment , and what comes through loud and clear is that the biggest problem facing gardeners is that they are caught in the trap between growing all they would like to grow , doing all they want to do and having the lime to do it .
28 The problem with projections like these is that they are founded on highly arguable assumptions .
29 It could be argued that one reason why the cities have lost so many jobs and contain so many unemployed is that they are over-represented by sectors of the economy that have declined nationally — the cities merely reflecting national trends .
30 capital instruments are similar to those of the Discussion Paper , that is that they be deducted from the proceeds of the instrument and accordingly reduce the amount at which the instrument is initially recorded .
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