Example sentences of "[is] that [pron] [be] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The point is that there are areas in the South African game where standards have clearly fallen behind the rest of the world .
2 What is bound to come to mind at this point is that there are pairs of things distinct from , but fundamentally like , a causal circumstance and its effect .
3 What I did say is that there are differences in emotional expression between people in different countries , just as much as
4 All that Montefiore 's example shows is that there are circumstances in which it is unfair to act neutrally , where there are not even prima facie reasons to be neutral .
5 ‘ The problem with children 's books increasingly is that there are armies of people who are properly concerned with , for example , the way girls were always discriminated against in the past , ’ says Allan .
6 Their central conjecture is that there are functions of language that are significantly affected by the mastery of a writing system , particularly its logical functions .
7 Perhaps the strongest is that there are species in which some females reproduce sexually , and others by parthenogenesis : if there was not a short-term advantage to sex , the parthenogenetic females would long ago have replaced the sexual ones .
8 But what we are not allowed to admit is that there are dragons inside the camp , let alone in our hearts .
9 The first is that the author , a lifeboat supporter , is donating a substantial amount of the cover price to RNLI funds , and the second is that there are links in the text with the lifeboat service , more particularly in the section dealing with the aircraft 's crashes in the sea .
10 My reason for mentioning queues , however , is that there are ways in which a human queue might be stabilised which are unlikely to operate among animals .
11 The result is that there are books on many library shelves which have at one time been declared obscene or indecent and may be so categorized again .
12 Thus when the theist says ‘ regularity in nature is evidence of God 's existence ’ , Ayer replies : ‘ All you are saying is that there 's regularity in nature ’ .
13 to say that in fairness to them , so what we would respectfully submit is that your Lordship having assessed the damages and erm , together with interest other than court of protection costs that the figure which we had mentioned and , and adjourn the matter for consideration of a structured settlement erm and that 's the first figure erm , that , the , the second thing , is that there is money in court er we would ask for a direction of the balance of the money , the balance over and above the money in court which is an extra three hundred and six thousand , three hundred and forty pounds at the present stage be brought into court within a reasonable time which we would note is fourteen days , maybe the defendant would ask longer , we have n't discussed it .
14 This has the remarkable consequence that if a man attacks his wife ( or vice versa ) in the privacy of their own home , the offence of affray appears to be committed if the evidence is that there was violence of a sufficient degree .
15 The second is that there were variations by team which reinforced what our interviews and observations had identified , namely , that different philosophies prevailed — the two city teams being developmental ‘ purists ’ , Bassetlaw championing an ‘ integrated casework and development ’ model and the others taking up intermediate positions .
16 ‘ But the thing that breaks my heart ’ , the curator continued , ‘ is that there were books on board and , of course , the sea 's only left indecipherable leather spines . …
17 The story is that I 'm ringleader of the Deptford rioting .
18 The first is that you are part of local government and sadly local government as a service has an image , a profile , even a stance which it it it does n't really deserve .
19 Our hypothesis is that it is consideration of the value base underlying the intervention which helps towards greater conceptual clarity about preventive work .
20 What is different about the Gwithian plant is that it is part of a reclamation operation .
21 However , we think that the characteristic of a " revolutionary feminism " is that it is part of a project for the transformation of society .
22 But what singles out this house , with its traditional porch and overhanging attic rooms , is that it is part of a way in which people with learning difficulties in the USA are security the ordinary life which the rhetoric of policy makers and politicians promises them but often fails to deliver .
23 An important lesson that has been learnt from the Beck case is that it is time for art historians to stop standing by in cowardice and make responsible evaluations of the restoration techniques used .
24 I think the most important thing about community arts is that it 's arts for the community , and invariably one is not approaching it in the same way as one would market , say , a show at the Theatre Royal for instance .
25 The first , and perhaps most logical — though one that is vigorously denied by Lord Lawson — is that it was part of a move leading to full monetary union and a Single Currency in Europe .
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