Example sentences of "[is] to [be] [vb pp] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For many people their worst nightmare is to be presented as naked in front of a group .
2 If the principle of induction is to be defended as reasonable , then some more sophisticated argument than an appeal to its obviousness must be offered .
3 The suggestion that though God is to be conceived as male , humanity is to be understood as female in relation to God , I shall leave until the next chapter .
4 Unless collective pressure is to be treated as democratic by definition , the only ground for specially associating it with democracy is that democracy might be held to give collective pressure an exceptional legitimacy .
5 As Neil MacCormick has observed : ‘ It remains a contested issue whether an aspiration to justice is to be treated as essential to or definitive of the legal enterprise in all its manifestations , or is to be distinguished as a specially urgent demand issued in the name of critical morality . ’
6 The suggestion that though God is to be conceived as male , humanity is to be understood as female in relation to God , I shall leave until the next chapter .
7 It is not entirely clear whether in the latter case the defendant is to be regarded as reckless or not .
8 ‘ Whether a 10% error for all the country at large ’ , as Professor Ben Morris quietly observed in his preface , ‘ involving 60,000 children per annum , is to be regarded as reasonable or intolerable of course depends upon what particular educational values are regarded as most important . ’
9 Such an utterly formal , undefinable and wholly unanalysable concept of ‘ ought ’ is necessary if law is to be regarded as normative and if the positivist proposition that law may have any content is to be sustained .
10 However , this view highlights the major criticism of the emission standards strategy in that it does not make publicly evident any explicit judgement as to what level of air quality is to be regarded as acceptable , whether for the protection of public health , vegetation , animals , materials , or amenity .
11 Any kind or aspect of information that is not present in the immediately relevant verbal or situational context is to be regarded as irretrievable and hence context-independent .
12 This is no doubt a matter which the magistrate should take into account when considering whether a witness 's evidence is to be rejected as worthless ; and I have no doubt that in the present case the magistrate did take it into account , together with the fact that Price had retracted his earlier evidence implicating the applicant , when deciding whether to make an order for committal .
13 Despite the rather artifical nature of the above approach , it is to be welcomed as novel yet realistic .
14 It does not require any principle for weighing spontaneous inclinations , for example a hedonist principle by which vomiting is to be avoided as unpleasant .
15 The immature newcomer to the department will almost certainly accept this relationship initially , so no breakdown of the transaction is to be expected as long as there is adequate stroking by the adult .
16 Given a subject , already identified , and given the wholly reasonable assumption that in our linguistic thoughts we do not equate properties with entities , there would be no conceivable point in introducing a property , and introducing it with the sense of " this completes what I am about " unless that property is to be taken as applicable to the subject .
17 If an instrument is to be marketed as different , radical even , it 's important to have successfully addressed the basics .
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