Example sentences of "[is] a [adv] [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 I mean , it 's a pretty wild scene in that song , is n't it , John Lee ?
2 ‘ It 's a pretty big element in my life , ’ I said .
3 So even if the truth , which I think it will now , is established and recognised , it 's a pretty costly business in this country to do it .
4 Yes , and there 's a rather odd smell in this room …
5 There 's a slightly different list in the table one produced by Mr , as from the erm the criteria which are set out from the section in paragraph one three of this paper .
6 It 's a perfectly honourable exercise in which he is engaged .
7 ‘ There 's a perfectly good sofa in the living-room , ’ she protested .
8 Erm and I think just by way of introductory comment , I I refer to the the paper that that North Yorkshire put round , N Y eleven , erm in which there there 's a far fuller discussion in there of what of what the environmental constraints are and what the considerations should be .
9 Then I 've got an early '60s blackface Fender Deluxe Reverb , and an old ‘ 54 tweed Fender Deluxe , which is a sweetheart ; I had it refurbished my Michael Sanders , who 's a really great tech in Austin .
10 It 's a quite different word in Italian . ’
11 But I think there 's a more powerful force in this universe than the Prime Mover .
12 There 's a very nasty atmosphere in this Lab recently , and if a certain gentlemen does n't take a hold of himself there 'll be a mischief done , you mark my words . "
13 It 's a very experienced squad in Blackburn and we 're gon na have our hands full Sunday night .
14 I do n't think there 's a very great deal in the way of er lighting fittings one can talk about erm in houses in Harlow , it 's er , there 's a , a distinct difference between the light , a lot , lot of architects in , in Harlow have lived in Harlow you see and they will go in for all the very latest type of lighting fittings erm and because they have er access to the books for the various er designers of lighting fittings er , generally though , they , the majority of the people in the town er have come from er London boroughs and erm they view the same kind of lighting fittings they 've always been used to .
15 It 's a very strong word in English .
16 ‘ Ironically by the time we came to do the first episode again , my hair had grown a little longer , so it was n't quite as eye-catching , but even so I think it 's a very unrecognised feather in Doctor Who 's cap that we created the look which launched Vidal Sassoon on his road to fame and fortune . ’
17 It 's a very serious problem in Oxford .
18 Fagg 's already muttering threats and he 's a very powerful figure in this club .
19 ‘ Negotiating with customers took time too ; it 's a very long haul in the Eastern European market , ’ comments Pomfret .
20 It 's still going , it 's a very long tape in here
21 In Engineering and Applied Science , there 's a very wide experience in the broad area of electronics and computers and micro-processors , computer-aided design , and such topics as biomedical engineering and instrumentation .
22 Oh it 's a very sellable house in the right
23 Sarah says : ‘ There 's a very grey area in medicine where people suffer an extraordinary variety of low grade , aches and pains .
24 It 's sad , actually , she 's a very respected woman in the village .
25 So in that sense the resources per student , the funds per student have in fact erm come down by in the region of erm fifteen per cent over the last ten years or so very roughly speaking already , and that 's a very considerable reduction in provision .
26 He 's a very old hand in lobbying er which shows it 's how it 's we 've got it this far .
27 Well it 's a very specialized boat in a sense , I mean it goes on the surface of the water and it literally goes on the surface of the water , it 's a hovercraft is a sort of a it 's a vessel which has got a skirt all round it
28 He 's joined the Liberal Party , and now he 's a very important cog in the cabinet .
29 Er er er th that 's a fairly logical argument in fact .
30 It is a thoroughly good idea in order to obtain a wide range of nutrients .
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