Example sentences of "[vb infin] been [vb pp] on [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Secretary of State 's worries about the control of Soviet nuclear weapons , given the potential breakdown of the Soviet Union , would not then have been based on such mind-boggling perceived dangers .
2 It is not hard to imagine Nietzsche adding passages of this modest length in the final weeks , especially if he had continued to work on the " whole last part of the book during the summer ; any late additions would then have been based on that work .
3 To begin with , it would have been based on absolute desperation .
4 ‘ We could all have been killed on this exercise .
5 As a teenager , Goldberg was leader of the Berlin Philharmonic under Furtwängler in the 1920s ; in the 1970s he was still in fine form , and his recordings should surely have been re-released on this occasion .
6 It is little wonder , therefore , that during those parts of the year which were spent at Saint Cloud , Compiègne or Fontainebleau the emphasis should have been placed on greater informality .
7 The frightening film of the American Airlines DC-10 from which an engine fell clear during take-off from Chicago must have been shown on more television screens than any other comparable occurrence , and so it goes on until we reach the most horrifying event involving the South Korean Boeing 747 which was deliberately shot down north of Japan by Soviet Russian fighters with the loss of 269 lives .
8 But before then The Battle of the Atlantic Suite will have been released on compact disc , depicting a Murmansk convoy in the dark days of the war .
9 At least by the time that the friend heard the click it must have been settled on that occasion that the electron 's spin was " up " .
10 That five point four million could have been spent on front line social services , for example .
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