Example sentences of "[vb infin] if [pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know if they went about with her .
2 Well , I think , I do n't know if they went back to the pits and sort of left , but he did n't want to stay there and and got this job as a gamekeeper .
3 The erm you really are aware , I do n't know if you get up to London much ?
4 Practically , this is ensured by the governments being composed of parties which have to compete for votes at elections , on the basis of promises about what they will do if they get back into government next time .
5 ‘ I keep wondering what he 'd do if I wandered up to the edge of the pit and leaned over and yelled , ‘ Oi , you down there .
6 So that was the last And I do n't think if he went back after that I think it had kind of frightened him , least so my father used to tell the story .
7 Let's see if it gets back to what they said there .
8 I 'll see if it comes up on the Leeds list .
9 Would you mind if we went out on the terrace for a moment . ’
10 ‘ Would you mind if I go over to Kilburn ?
11 Do you mind if I come back to you on that one ?
12 ‘ Do you think she 'd mind if I went on with it ? ’
13 ‘ And , for your information , at the moment there is n't anyone who would mind if I flew out to Sydney for a month or two .
14 Here she was , throwing all her professional energies into promoting Romano de Sciorto and his company , when personally she would n't mind if he went out of business tomorrow …
15 Ari wondered how Leila would react if she went back to her and said .
16 ’ You 'll starve if you go on like this . ’
17 Just that I think Susanna wants to spanner to work , her bike 's not here otherwise I 'd have if she gets back in time , fair enough .
18 I trust you , you 're not a fool , you know what could happen if you got up to some mischief out there , ’ and her fingers described general obloquy with a sweeping gesture of abolition , ‘ and then you 'll never get a husband either .
19 The same thing could happen if you walked out of here this afternoon there there could be a bomb s threat between A and B wherever you 're going and you ca n't even get round
20 If some i Well well you could I mean if you went out with someone and you thought they were pretty naff talking to the employer again six months later and say , Oh they 're a lot better .
21 Yeah I know but Marks and Spencers are a crap shop I do n't care if they go out of business they 're a rip off anyway , they 're so expensive , such crap clothes , they 're so common , that 's the word I 've been looking for common , that 's my word of the week I think er common common , does it not get to ya looking like everyone else ?
22 I do n't care if they go out with a different girl every day of the week as well as me , but suddenly they want to be the one and only . ’
23 they 'll , they 'll come and visit if I go back with Philip and
24 If you do n't listen if you go back to old traditional styles or the style you are used
25 I ca n't imagine what his father would say if he found out about this .
26 Do n't worry if it turns out to be a false alarm — it 's always better to be safe than sorry .
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