Example sentences of "[vb infin] their [noun] [adv] if they " in BNC.

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1 But Guatemalans can enjoy their freedom only if they stick to the unwritten rules .
2 Erm some of the banks actually lay off the charges to some extent , but I think he might find that a bit expensive to run , erm and of course they 'll take their charges even if they do n't make a profit for you .
3 Yet the eastern wage deal has an escape clause : companies may pay their workers less if they exercise a ‘ hardship clause ’ and prevail upon IG Metall to co-operate .
4 And the parties could fulfil their promises only if they presented a uniform program to the electorate and achieved a cohesive majority in the House of Commons to carry through that program .
5 In section 3.3.2 we saw that with a fixed monetary base banks could increase their lending only if they were prepared to operate at lower ratios of base : deposits .
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