Example sentences of "[vb infin] that it [vb mod] [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The current government must recognise that it can not continue to go down the line of an individualist anxiety- ridden state , of competitive individuals where the poor and disabled are left to starve on city streets .
2 If you have been a victim of a crime do not assume that it can not happen again .
3 I could n't believe that it would n't resolve itself .
4 Think about it and you 'll see that it can not score more than its ‘ opponent ’ in any particular game because it never defects except in retaliation .
5 One line shows what has happened to personal wealth divided by personal income : if wealth merely rose in line with incomes ( which would be represented by a flat wealth line on the graph ) , the theory would suggest that it would not have any independent influence on savings .
6 That did not mean that it would n't go out in style .
7 The fact that the game itself is trivial , and , of course , in most ways it is , does not mean that it can not inflict real pain .
8 This 'll be my first attempt I would imagine that it wo n't make a lot of difference I could be wrong .
9 Last night 's lovemaking had changed everything for Sarella herself ; she had never guessed it could be like that , and she could n't imagine that it might not have been as earth-shattering for Marc too .
10 He ca n't say that it wo n't stick to him .
11 He knows that Grampian regional council is bound by statute to say how much it got from the sale ; it can not simply say that it will not tell anyone .
12 When weaving with a thick yarn , you will probably find that it wo n't feed through the yarn mast .
13 Thus if a business manages to establish that its terms are incorporated into its contracts by signature , it may still find that it can not rely on any of the terms which are subject to the reasonableness test under the Act if , for instance , the business knows the signer did not read the terms before signing .
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