Example sentences of "[vb infin] a [noun] [prep] [noun pl] from " in BNC.

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1 He must know a lot about shop-girls from his experience in his industrial parish .
2 Conceived by Cristiana Romalli of Sotheby 's , the show will include a predominance of drawings from private collections unlikely to be seen by the public under other circumstances .
3 For the first time , this autumn people can buy a selection of goods from the WWF Gift Catalogue from shops and garden centres around Britain .
4 But once all the barriers have been removed , Western Europe can expect a flood of footballers from the East which will make the present procession of Yugoslavs seem a mere trickle .
5 But ‘ random ’ means the pollsters must make a selection of citizens from the electoral roll , and then stick to those names , always going back to them .
6 PROBS will cover a range of situations from teacher and pupil explanations through to group discussions .
7 The advertisement — as featured in New Scientist — said that the BBC wanted an experienced journalist , but that did not stop a flood of academics from applying .
8 Jane Katsambis , head teacher of the school , will face a variety of questions from the vicar , who wants to find out how she views the school 's role in the community and its relation to the church .
9 They went to a hall where they would meet a cross-section of men from the various paramilitary organisations .
10 Because your school will have a lot of contacts in industry , it is likely that you will meet a lot of adults from working places in different situations who will help to make your learning more interesting .
11 The establishment of a course should permit a flow of publications from staff and research students , and possibly short summer courses and other networking .
12 Otherwise the continued experience of sexual discrimination in school and its artefacts may provoke a range of reactions from passive ‘ opting out ’ to outright rejection .
13 Colouration : Goldfish may have a range of colours from black and brown , through gold to pure white .
14 Guests can call a range of services from their own rooms by dialling or keying one digit .
15 The appearance which sense-spectra present can be compared with a so-called ‘ dialect continuum ’ : speakers from village A can communicate with those from village B , who are able to converse with speakers from C ; these , in turn , can communicate with speakers from village D. However , speakers from A can not hold a conversation with speakers from D , and without the evidence of the intervening stages , one would be tempted to say that they spoke different languages .
16 We would hold a meeting of women from a certain neighbourhood to discuss their needs and then we would help with the necessary work of filing a request for services at the Town Hall .
17 Company A paying company B would mean a transfer of deposits from company A's bank to company B's bank .
18 Double Olympic gold medallist Sebastian Coe will lead a team of runners from Greenwich to Westminster on April 21 to publicise the launch of ADT Healthquest , a national health and fitness campaign aiming to raise £1m in 1991 for six health-related charities .
19 It was not everyone who could lead a party of men from Innisfree on to the mainland without being spotted .
20 We can distinguish a range of meanings from ( i ) a developed state of mind — as in ‘ a person of culture ’ , ‘ a cultured person ’ to ( ii ) the processes of this development — as in ‘ cultural interests ’ , ‘ cultural activities ’ to ( iii ) the means of these processes — as in culture as ‘ the arts ’ and ‘ humane intellectual works ’ .
21 By being able , as a PLC , to choose and manage a supply of funds from a wide range of sources , we could ensure we offer mortgage loans at very competitive rates and the flow should be better protected against sudden economic changes .
22 It was such men who had to be galvanised into action by a pressing personal letter from the leader of the political interest to which they adhered , and , as Panmure was advised , it was ‘ getting such good friends to take a troublesome jaunt on them ’ which would ‘ save a sett of friends from being either affronted or over run ’ .
23 I would like to thank you for coming into the studio today , and I 'm sure we 'll receive a lot of letters from our listeners about what 's been said .
24 In this issue , you will find a number of reports from centres describing their own experience of offering the new awards .
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