Example sentences of "[vb infin] and [prep] [pron] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Children should be judged on what they can do and on what they know , not on who they are .
2 If you can understand Berlin then perhaps it is also possible to make some sense of what Europe may now become and of what it means to be a European .
3 If they use this formula and then get a report they do not like and on which they do not intend to rely at trial , then they are not committed to disclose it .
4 The latter is a good example of his more extended type of cantata with fewer but longer sections than Rossi 's : The opening of the duet will also illustrate one of Carissimi 's most striking characteristics , his genuine sense of key : The slow , uncertain supersession of mode by key had not yet generally revealed the possibilities of tonality for variety and dynamic structure ; composers still treated a key very much as a mode , a tonal area within which they could move and from which they wandered uncertainly , and which helped to give unity to a composition .
5 But miracles do happen and to anyone who feels like giving up , I 'd say please keep trying . ’
6 The fascinating question raised is , are dolphins conscious , aware , and conceptualising creatures , with whom we can communicate and from whom we have much to learn ?
7 A few would talk and from them he learned what he could of the north-west .
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