Example sentences of "[vb infin] her [noun sg] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If we had enough money we could buy her ticket and put it through her letterbox without letting her know who it was from , ’ said Anne .
2 However , Mr McAllister says that three days after Margaret McLaughlin 's death Beattie did not know her name and thought it was someone else who had died .
3 No need to be constantly laying down her book in case Mrs Braithwaite should catch her reading and name her " studious ' again .
4 He presented this bland smiling façade , yet one glance from those glacial blue eyes could dry her mouth and stop her breath in her throat .
5 Although they continued throughout to support Mrs Thatcher , a number were known privately to have expressed the belief that a failure to secure outright victory on the first ballot might irretrievably damage her authority and force her to stand down .
6 The main point certainly stands : that those in daily contact with the Queen could influence her mind and help their friends .
7 He would pat her cheek and touch her breast , his beguiling smile warming her .
8 Winners of a National Training Award , the family team at Prudence Gowns have expert knowledge in tailoring , design and bridal industry to advise and help the bride choose her dress or design something for personal .
9 But to stay , to lie in his arms and each time know that he was dreaming of another woman , would not just break her heart but shatter it .
10 The old girl should do her duty and send me a postcard if she can take the time off from her toy-boys .
11 Economically the wife is typically dependent ( or at least , could not sustain her lifestyle or support her children on her own earnings ) and her household labour is exploited .
12 The experience would not dent her confidence or make her fearful about driving alone , she said .
13 ‘ I 'll take her temperature and tidy her up . ’
14 Hari felt him take her arm and lead her beneath the overhanging trees .
15 What else could she do , Merrill asked herself , but stand up , pleasantly acquiescent because of Richard 's presence , and let Luke take her arm and lead her into a room which had been cleared for dancing ?
16 Now , although no bombs ever fell in the country district where they lived , from time to time the air raid warning sirens would sound and Sylvia 's mother would take her baby and make her way to the shelter at the bottom of the garden , remaining there until she heard the ‘ all-clear ’ .
17 At first she identified herself by initials alone , styling herself a ‘ minister or servant of the Gospel ’ , and she did not indicate her gender or give her full name until 1651 .
18 The anorexic who has achieved her emaciated state is faced with two choices : she can relax her control and surrender her will , thus admitting defeat ; or she can allow herself to die of starvation , thus gaining her paradoxical victory .
19 ALISON LIMERICK : ‘ Where Love Lives ’ ( Arista ) cutting her cake both ways with this re-release of her massive club hit , remixed so she can have her doughnut and eat it — out on Monday
20 ‘ I would not consider her ruthless in the sense of deliberately hurting anyone , but she will protect her position and protect her children fiercely .
21 I even found I could hold her head and pet her while she threw up .
22 Did she leave her card and tell you when she 'd be
23 She knew that her uncle 's death would radically change her position but did she , as she said , believe that the change would be for the worse ?
24 He hardly dared hope that she would change her mind and marry him .
25 She felt that if only she could reach her father-in-law and confront him with her fears for George 's safety , he would somehow make everything all right .
26 Then , she had to return and re-powder her forehead and compose herself and try not to be anxious that she was already late .
27 Again , she would clench her fist and ram her knuckles into the face of her driver , 3-wood or whatever .
28 Roman said almost casually and Claudia was astonished to see her twin bite her lip and lower her eyes .
29 Perhaps she should have let Signor Candiano arrange her accommodation and meet her .
30 This was in the mid-thirties when Miss Gladys Batchelor niece of " Spot " Batchelor , owner of the cement works , would visit her uncle and land her light aircraft in the village , on one occasion she landed in an autogyro , the early equivalent of a helicopter .
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