Example sentences of "[vb infin] as [conj] [pron] [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Only Lori could act as if she were meeting a bosom friend for tea and a chat , when the reality was something light-years removed .
2 To Sabine , used to Aunt Ruth 's dab of power and smudge of lipstick , the Baronne 's maquillage made her appear as if she was wearing an exquisite but remote mask , spoiled only by the small piece of sticking plaster on her forehead .
3 The return of Latin would make them feel as if they were experiencing something mysterious and exalted , something greater than themselves .
4 Looking Nicolo in the eye only made her knees feel as if they were going to buckle .
5 Then why do I always feel as if I am falling off the edge of a cliff ?
6 Unless people are free to say ‘ I do n't think it 's good enough ’ , ‘ I do n't feel as if I 'm doing a good enough job ’ , and ‘ I do n't have a clear idea of how to do it better ’ , teacher-generated and teacher-appropriated change will not happen .
7 I did n't feel as if I was gon na succeed at all .
8 They have the highest income-tax and VAT rates , the harshest drinking laws , the dreariest bars , the dullest restaurants and television that makes you feel as if you are warming up for a coma .
9 So he was making you feel as if you were getting somewhere
10 A person who has a migraine or who has been spinning round and round , may feel as if he is reeling over , although there is no movement to be seen by people watching him .
11 It was an innocuous question , so why did she suddenly feel as if she were facing the Inquisition ?
12 ‘ They do n't look as if they 're seeing .
13 Blanche was right to insist that these leads were followed up but it did not look as if they were going to take them anywhere .
14 Indeed , one critic of the exercise considered that ‘ the circular was a device which managed to make LEAs look as if they were failing in their duties , and thus allowed the DES to take the initiative ’ .
15 ‘ In light of the current recapitalisation , does it really look as if we are preparing to sell the company now ? ’
16 It 's bound to get out and then it will look as if we 're helping the Khedive to cover up .
17 ‘ Mrs. Olinton 's rung the fire-brigade , but , thanks to you , young lady , it does n't look as if we 're going to need it .
18 Her scrunched up face made her look as if she was wearing a perpetual mirthless grin .
19 Trouble was , if she appeared downstairs too soon it would look as if she was cadging a lift , and if she arrived too late they would have gone without her — and then how would she summon up the courage to go at all ?
20 If she insisted on going straight back to the car , though , it would look as if she was running away .
21 ‘ Do I look as if I am joking , Miss Bishop ? ’
22 ‘ Do I look as if I am jesting ? ’
23 And it does n't look as if I 'm going to be able to either , thought Donna irritably .
24 ‘ Do I look as if I 'm having a hard time ?
25 My purple stripy barrel-bag — it was small , it 'd look as if I was going off to my gran 's for the weekend .
26 It made my life a bit unbearable for a while and made it look as if I was attacking Michael , which I was n't . ’
27 I sneaked into the main dealing room and found a heating vent near the skirting-board at one end which I could unscrew and look as if I was doing something professional .
28 And we 've got to do something about it , we were promised these savings , there are n't any , it does n't look as if anybody 's working awfully hard to get them , and I 'd like to know why not , and what 's going on , and I 'm quite happy to support what Mr proposes , that we refer it all to budget review .
29 ‘ Look , ’ whispered Sir Anthony , ‘ but do n't look as if you 're looking . ’
30 ‘ At least try to make it look as if you 're enjoying yourself . ’
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