Example sentences of "[vb infin] that he [be] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At no time , not even vaguely , had such a notion occurred to her , nor did she even think that he was not as other men .
2 Before disclosing the agreement the vendor should ensure that he is not in breach of any confidentiality undertakings contained in the agreement and if necessary first obtain the consent of the other parties before disclosing the agreement to the purchaser .
3 It does n't matter that he 's not like them .
4 ‘ They knew nothing at the bookshop , sir ; his sister , Sara , seemed very upset ; she would n't believe that he was n't at home .
5 He suddenly realised that the French really did believe that he was here on a secret and delicate diplomatic mission on Edward I 's behalf , that his interest in Alexander III 's death was mere drapery , a trick to conceal his true task .
6 The best evidence that the victim — the person towards whom the threats , abuses or insults were directed — did believe that he was about to be subjected to immediate violence would come from the mouth of the victim himself , but it is not necessary to produce a bystander as a witness in court to prove the point ; it can be a matter for inference from the narrative of events presented to the court .
7 If the defendant can plausibly assert that he is sufficiently without perception even when he is sober , he must be acquitted .
8 Kevin Inkster discarded the loose chain when he was dissatisfied with the cut it gave , but it made him realise that he was certainly on the right lines .
9 I should mention that he is here with us and I 'm sure you 'll be hearing from him and his wife , Dorothy , and we 're very happy to have you .
10 Technically , an assault is either the application of force to the person of another , or the threat to apply it in such a way as to cause the other to fear or apprehend that he is about to be subjected to force .
11 In vain did he protest that he was here on holiday and nothing else .
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