Example sentences of "[vb infin] that [art] [noun sg] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er I remember it so vividly because it , at our house it was quite er an event because mother and father were so Labour and my brother , who erm he , I do n't know why , he 's not alive today and I ca n't so I , and I 've no idea , I do n't think I ever asked him because I 'd be too young , but I do know that the friction was in the house because he was working for the Conservative and she was the first woman that we ever elected er she , this , this lady did .
2 It will be better , perhaps , if she does not wholly know that the will is in question . ’
3 He may even be compelled to pay interest on arrears of rent even though he did not know that the rent was in arrear ( Allied London Investments Ltd v Hambro Life Assurance plc [ 1985 ] 2 EGLR 45 ) .
4 The interesting feature of the case is that the corporation exacted the payments under a mistake of fact — they did not know that the limestone was to be burnt into lime , while the plaintiff made the payments under a mistake of law — he did not know of the exemption .
5 This applies only where the person dealing with the company does not know that the action is beyond the powers of the company 's directors under its constitution ( s. 35A(1) — ( 3 ) CA ) .
6 Again the test is subjective : did the defendant know that the information was of the type proscribed by the Act ?
7 ‘ In that case you will know that the rupee is in a parlous state . ’
8 The five point try should at least ensure that the ball is in play more often .
9 The purchaser should also ensure that the vendor is under an obligation to provide all necessary assistance and co-operation in obtaining the consents after completion either by relying on the general further assurance clause or by incorporating a dedicated further assurance clause such as that in clause 8.4 of the standard sale agreement ( see Appendix III ) .
10 Before submitting the package for approval , the manager of the package can ensure that the package is in an ‘ approvable ’ condition , ( in a similar way to running the scanner before attempting to enter a module ) .
11 To many observers in the outside world it would appear that the religion is in little danger .
12 ‘ However , we were n't able to make that recommendation — although the geology is unusual and the forests have been opened up by gold miners , it is n't under desperate threat and we did n't feel that the area was of particular conservation value . ’
13 As long as there is fear , it does not matter that the gun was in fact unloaded , or as in Logdon [ 1976 ] Crim LR 121 , the weapon was an imitation firearm .
14 If this new period brought with it a phase of Spenglerian pessimism after the long years of Victorian optimism , Toynbee did not himself assume that the West was in decline as such , but rather that paradoxically the globalization of Western civilization was being accompanied by a self-consciousness of its own cultural relativization , a process to which Toynbee 's own equally totalizing and relativizing history was designed to contribute .
15 We may assume that the caution was in the following terms : ‘ You do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so , but what you say may be given in evidence . ’
16 The way of obtaining C outlined above does not assume that the Moon is in hydrostatic equilibrium , which is just as well because it is not .
17 ‘ I shall not rise to the inevitable sexism which comes from the Government front bench , ’ replied Ms Armstrong , and since not even today 's siren Labour party can consider the word ‘ silly ’ to be sexist we must assume that the objection is to being described as a woman .
18 Then , do these facts show that the promise was in consideration , either of the loss to be sustained by the plaintiff , or the benefit to be derived from the plaintiff to the uncle , at his , the uncle 's request ?
19 The nature of the benefit which the employer is said to have derived from a particular invention is readily ascertainable if the employee can show that the employer is in receipt of royalty payments from licensees who have been permitted to develop , manufacture and market the patented article or process .
20 Thus , he argued , while we may well believe that the world is in fact designed by God , we can not prove it .
21 And he could see that the distance was in any case too short : his cannons would never be able to re-load in time .
22 ‘ Nobody else could see that the man was on a financial treadmill , that his expenses were so huge he had to spend 50 weeks a year on the road to afford two weeks in his castle in Normandy . ’
23 There are very many more species , but I believe enough have been indicated to let you see that the rose is by no means restricted to the Hybrid Tea — there are many other kinds to provide variation and interest .
24 We could then plainly see that the fault was in a ‘ purl ’ stitch , so the faulty needle has to be on the main bed .
25 However I could see that the class was against me .
26 The enabling act can provide that the instrument is to be laid before either or both Houses of Parliament .
27 Thus , a cloze score of 60 per cent would indicate fairly full comprehension , 45 per cent would suggest some problems , while 35 per cent would suggest that a reader was at his or her frustration level .
28 To do so would suggest that the Bank were in effect guaranteeing their payment at maturity .
29 When the Secretary of State next meets the chairman of London Transport , will he confess that the Government are in a complete mess ?
30 In both cases , usually after several development versions have been entered into LIFESPAN , the developers may decide that the software is in an appropriate state to constitute a baseline .
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