Example sentences of "[vb infin] that [pron] [modal v] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Did you know that you can stop a train four times for the price of a seat change ?
2 There must be no ‘ sacred cows ’ an I hope all of you will assist and will recognise that everyone can make a contribution .
3 An omnibus awaited us , and we got ourselves and our luggage stowed therein or thereon ; but a place in the hotel omnibus does not guarantee that you will find a corner in the house .
4 The mass producer ( who may be production , quality or sales orientated ) may attempt to supply all , or a substantial part of this total demand , and in so doing may consider that he can obtain a price , volume or distribution advantage relative to smaller scale producers .
5 Future funding from the Board to law centres would be for cases done under the green forms and legal aid schemes , including any new arrangements that might be developed , ‘ and possibly grants for specific types of work where the law centres could demonstrate that they would provide a better and more efficient service in ways that did not lend themselves to payment on a case by case basis . ’
6 Well do you think that you could make a ‘ bit of a window ’ for the Church ? ’
7 I do n't think that anyone could contemplate a retrospective of Matisse without the involvement at least of the four central institutions which are collaborating on our exhibition : the two Russian museums ; Paris and ourselves .
8 I do not think that anything could have a higher commendation .
9 If we 're given an assignment , whatever it is , perform it well , do n't think that I would make a better magazine servant than that brother over there and I do n't like it on the accounts , why do they always use me as a hall servant ?
10 I do n't really think that I should get a lot of pleasure out of going to watch croquet tomorrow .
11 Such thoughts soothed me , and then the reality of what had happened would come shooting through my consciousness like a speedboat churning up a calm sea : how dare he decree that I must wear a badge indicating , for men 's convenience , whether I was available or already had an owner ?
12 Anybody who visited America at the time when the exchange rate was two dollars to the pound will confirm that they could purchase a pound 's worth of goods for a dollar ; that is , at half the price they would pay at home .
13 Sometimes insurers might feel that they can get a better deal at the doors of the court in a heavy case , and the identity of the judge allotted to that case can influence corridor negotiations pretty heavily , but an experienced plaintiff 's solicitor with nothing much to worry about in court who has gone that far will strike a fairly hard bargain .
14 Well it makes you feel that you might do a bit of work with something
15 It does not matter that you may perceive a witness to be a witness for the opposition ; although it will happen rarely , if they are prepared to see you , go and see them .
16 But do n't assume that you would need a Caesarean again .
17 But I do not believe that we can assemble a majority for anything as negative as ‘ get the Tories out ’ .
18 most likely to make people believe that they can achieve a certain thing and let them get up and do it and erm so that the Party 's role is in the initial stage fostering as much mobilization
19 He did n't believe that he could start a movement which would lead directly to the abolition of British erm armaments , the rejection of the atomic bomb or anything of that kind .
20 I can see that I may have a little difficulty explaining this first part of my story , especially to anyone not acquainted with the often bizarre rituals of academic life .
21 Henry Kissinger warned yesterday this might happen , do you fear that we could face a flood of refugees ?
22 I said that we ought to er somebody asked me er from one of the national papers which ought to be put in place there and I did suggest that we ought to have a statue like just been mentioned to somebody from Beeston they 've got a nice man on a bench there .
23 The worst hit firms might decide that they must have a reduction in pay in order to stay in business .
24 The other thing is with employer legislation update , did we decide to do some training on that or did we decide that we would produce a handout ?
25 Of course if her doctor has been guilty of serious neglect , you and your parent may decide that you should lodge a complaint with the local Community Health Council , whose job is to represent to the Area Health Authority the interests of the public in the district in which it operates .
26 and he did decide that I would like a cup of tea
27 I think overall there was a definite public benefit from offering this type of information , although I would hope that we could have a longer lead in time with regards to any future campaign .
28 So far as I know there is at present only one such scheme operating in London … and I would hope that it would form a pattern of similar schemes in other parts of London .
29 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
30 Mrs Hamilton said that she did not discover that she might have a legal action until 1988 .
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