Example sentences of "[vb infin] that [pron] [vb -s] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One essay may have both first-class and abysmal features and yet be graded neither A nor F ; instead it may get a C which fails altogether in letting us know that it differs from another essay graded C which is consistently of that quality in all its parts .
2 I gave this approach this title following a pamphlet which reproduces a lecture given by the English Anglican bishop of high church disposition John Austin Baker to a conference of the Movement for the Ordination of Women.l8 I believe that it is ( in less thought-out form ) widely followed by proponents of the ordination of women , perhaps of a less radical variety , and certainly I would think that it appeals to many men .
3 Whilst I would apply that proposition completely in most cases , and particularly in cases which affect life , liberty or property , I do not think that it applies in all cases .
4 ‘ A member shall — ( a ) establish and maintain rules and procedures ( ‘ compliance procedures ’ ) by reference to which each officer , employee , company representative and appointed representative of the member can ensure that he complies with these Rules and the Principles in his dealings with investors ; …
5 ‘ A member shall ( a ) establish and maintain rules and procedures … by reference to which each officer , employee , company representative and appointed representative of the member can ensure that he complies with these Rules and the Principles in his dealings with investors ; …
6 ’ It does not specify that it applies to all parties to the conflict , and is thus more ambiguous on this point than common Article 3 .
7 To avoid customers being prejudiced in this way , a firm must not effect a contingent liability transaction unless it can show that it believes on reasonable grounds that the customer understands : ( 1 ) The circumstances under which he may be required to provide any margin ; ( 2 ) Particulars of the form in which the margin may be provided ; ( 3 ) Particulars of the steps which the firm may be entitled to take if the customer fails to provide the required margin ; ( 4 ) That failure by the customer to meet a margin call may lead to the firm closing out his position after time limits specified by the firm , and that the firm will be required to close out the position in any event after a period of five business days ; and ( 5 ) That circumstances other than failure to provide margin may lead to the customer 's position being closed out with prior reference to him .
8 The number of matrices B which diagonalise A in this manner is indefinitely large : to prove the theorem we need only show that it holds for any two .
9 Granted that ‘ Be aware ’ suffices for some choices of ends , it does not necessarily follow that it suffices for all .
10 Right , if you can leave your handset at the side , you can see that it matures after 75 seconds , brilliant .
11 Maitlin erm you 'll notice that it concentrates on spatial frequencies which is a particular interpretation of the type studies where you look at the responses of the brain to particular stimuli .
12 Mr Watkins can say that he sympathises with green views on the need for conservation but has been overruled by the troika that presides over George Bush 's domestic policy : John Sununu , the chief of staff , Richard Darman , the budget director , and Michael Boskin , the chief economic adviser .
13 If , in fact , we apply the higher order definition to the evidence she adduces from Wolof schoolchildren we will find that it applies to schooled and unschooled alike .
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