Example sentences of "[vb infin] to be [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 " I did promise to be ready for nine thirty but those blasted animals just wo n't cooperate . "
2 The terms and conditions inserted in this layout will also need to be uniform for each type of bill or related electronic message .
3 And more and more we 're hearing news of women working on a whole range of issues , including male violence in Africa , all parts of Africa , and the more I hear that , the more I realise that what has come out of England as revolutionary feminism is a parallel movement and does n't need to be sectarian at all in the way that maybe it 's been seen .
4 The developer will need to be involved in many site investigations , in order that one or two of his entrepreneurial endeavours come to fruition .
5 Most of the delinquent youngsters with whom I worked — I stress most , not all — did not need to be involved in delinquent activity .
6 Mrs Reynolds will need to be involved in this process in order to help relieve her anxieties and so that she can also support her husband .
7 Though all members of a cycle group do not need to be competent in all five of the recognised face skills , the team as a whole must be able to deploy sufficient resources on each shift to man the roles likely to arise .
8 Besides a first degree and at least two years ' subsequent relevant experience , you 'll need to be familiar with all standard SEM techniques , and have experience of either EDS microanalysis or cyrological work .
9 Departmental heads will need to be aware of other departments within the organisation , will have outside relationships involving clients or customers , and will need to work with other agencies .
10 In preparation for this students will need to be aware of cross-cultural discourse patterns .
11 A social worker may need to be aware of those aspects , and of the need to assess the client before forming a social care plan .
12 The specification will need to be satisfactory over this period with only limited opportunities for a change of policy until the contract finishes .
13 Second , such findings may have therapeutic implications , as optimal therapy for paritns with oesophageal alkaline exposure as well as acid exposure may need to be different from that from those with acid exposure alone .
14 But investors do need to be wary of new-style income shares — such as those issued by Olim Convertible , Kleinwort High Income and Edinburgh Income — which rely more heavily on growth in the underlying assets to prevent substantial capital loss .
15 ‘ The trouble with my job at the moment is that I ca n't guarantee to be free at any given time . ’
16 But you asked me to comment on potential weaknesses , and this is one area which you may consider to be worthy of some serious attention .
17 Another criticism he makes is that it has an uneasy relationship with such values as justice which some people should consider to be important in human life .
18 It did n't matter to be honest in some contracts whether we won or lost against other people low paid workers , exploitation by the contractors .
19 In addition , why the controlled group chooses to be compliant , or why it may choose to be resistant to any process of control , is also ignored .
20 Cleo Sinister possessed neither of these qualities , nor did she appear to be familiar with other desirable attributes such as obedience , silence and the possession of gentle manners .
21 We are left with only five texts in which the linguistic confusion does not appear to be attributable to textual interference .
22 Venetians did n't appear to be straightforward at all .
23 Syntactic structure does appear to be suitable for semantic purposes , one can develop compositional semantic rules that apply to syntactic structures .
24 Therefore , the day-by-day changes in the timing of rhythms seen in the aged do not appear to be due to day-by-day irregularities of habits , and this suggests an internal cause due to the body clock .
25 Gardens which have been carefully designed and closely planted may appear to be unsuitable for additional plantings of herbs , but a herbaceous border , for instance , which needs to be re-dug every few years , with some of its incumbents divided or discarded , can well take some herbal plants , to supply flowers and/or architectural quality .
26 The decision in Wilsher would appear to be consistent with this reasoning .
27 At one of the interviews where both an arts adviser and an administrator were present , differing views were expressed , but surprisingly , the ambiguity of this did not appear to be apparent to either interviewee .
28 Loadings do not appear to be good with one train having only three coaches .
29 What is perhaps more disturbing is that many existing IT specialists do not appear to be aware of some fundamental principles involved in designing reliable , " user-friendly " and " environment-friendly " information systems .
30 The qualifying condition , however , in this particular instance , was that Mrs Beattie and Mrs Friar could hardly be classed as neighbours and even the most cock-eyed optimist would never even hope that they might even begin to be pleasant to each other .
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