Example sentences of "[vb infin] a [adj] [noun] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Lady , most of the females I pump liquor into would n't know a nefarious purpose if they saw one . ’
2 to look across at a group wh who would know a cynical opportunity if it hit them in the face .
3 I do n't think the Labour 'd know a free vote if it bit him on the leg .
4 Cos you 'll need a good breakfast if you 're going away wo n't you .
5 ‘ You 'll need a good wig if you 're to be Hedda 's long-haired poet . ’
6 Although we are dot going to be hobbling a horse by three legs and tethering it all day out in the sun , we will need a tolerant horse if we wish it to do boring or repetitious work .
7 You may not need a provisional licence if you hold a full licence which states that it may be used as a provisional licence for driving other categories .
8 Assume now that the group can not sell all it can make at the normal price of £120 but division B sees that it could win a large order if it were to offer goods at £80 each .
9 What Daddy 's got are three cheap , shabby shops selling cheap , shabby suits to cheap shabby fools who would n't recognise a decent cloth if it were shoved down their throats .
10 If they were n't actually paying the players — Cavaliers , South Pacific Barbarians , Centenary Tour — they were always threatening to break away and instigate a professional circuit if they were n't given games .
11 When a monomer polymerizes it will only yield a useful polymer if it does so in the form of a long chain .
12 Whatever the basis of allocation , small service points will need an additional weighting if they are to maintain a reasonable range of materials .
13 You will need an open mind if you are to achieve win:win .
14 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
15 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
16 He makes the reasonable point that the upholders of traditional positions might achieve a new plausibility if they could be seen actually arguing for them , rather than merely asserting them .
17 Your solicitor will do a local search if you buy a property , but you may be renting in which case no one will do a search for you .
18 Better still , one can infer from the passage that MacDonald 's main purpose was to stay in power , and thus he would welcome a National Government if it enabled him to do so .
19 ‘ This JCR notes that there are already enough ‘ women ’ who look like men at Somerville , and could n't give a flying toss if they get any more . ’
20 The manager of a garden centre ca n't stock a new fertiliser if he does n't know it exists .
21 No , it wo n't be because they do n't do the , they do n't do an open afternoon if it 's a championship
22 Creeping thistle , haunt of the charming meadow brown butterfly , can become a real pest if it gets a foothold .
23 A corporate personality can become a tangible asset if it is managed properly and consistently .
24 She 'll just become a laughing stock if she 's not that already . ’
25 A new drug could become a potential blockbuster if it treated a common ailment and generated $100m-plus in annual sales ( see table ) .
26 I could look a real idiot if I do n't use it .
27 I shall look a damn fool if I change my mind now . ’
28 ‘ I 'd look a right idiot if we organize things on the basis that Vargas is on our side and I get there and he is n't .
29 " They would n't see a four-leafed clover if they fell over it . "
30 Partnerships will provide a valuable service if they emphasise success and draw attention to it .
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