Example sentences of "[vb infin] a [noun sg] that [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They will need space and comfort , perhaps a garden if they have always been used to one and enjoy gardening , and , above all , they will need a property that gives them some self esteem and security .
2 During the third phase , lasting two weeks , you will follow a diet that allows you to feel really healthy and to continue losing the unwanted pounds and inches .
3 You will see a face that tells you something : there is a story in that face .
4 Especially in New York , few bosses would favour a merger that left them as number two .
5 How do you enter a formula that joins them together ?
6 Even if I did n't have a job that keeps me at the other end of the country for most of the year , this sort of place could n't provide a living .
7 ‘ Did n't you have a mother that loved you ?
8 there 's no problem there , erm , but because we do n't actually have a radio that gets us the World Service , the people did n't know what was going on , the only thing that we knew was that the air , because Riyadh is a military city
9 I joining the company something like that and if they did when you do join a department that does it you have a great sense of belonging , because some of the things you 'll do for the training will be allocated to other members round a team , yeah , all this sort of stuff and it becomes very easy , takes a monkey off your back as it were , you do n't have to worry .
10 You could develop an interest that brings you into contact with other people , .
11 All it wanted was a new cover , I said , and she almost looked convinced when I said I was sure we could reach a price that suited us both .
12 Now I just want to look at a simple class of demand function , right , which we could write , if I can get a pen that works we write the demand function as P equals A over Q to the beta .
13 I must also criticise a system that puts them in a position in which problems occur .
14 I must live a life that pleases him .
15 ( c ) Position conflicts : the position you take in one piece of litigation may be at odds with the position you want to take in a subsequent action ( for example , in advancing the cause of a plaintiff you may adopt a position that puts you in difficulty with some defence clients who are less than impressed with the vigour with which you espouse the plaintiff 's cause ) .
16 And erm with these you changed them both into sixths did n't you could have changed them both into twelfths and it would have work but then we 'll get an answer that needs we would have got sixth twelfths well it still comes to a half .
17 I would offer a contract that allowed him exclusivity if he gets a minimum of 100 candidates in November 1993 and 200 during 1993/94 .
18 He will also arrange an agreement that enables you to get back your property when you need it , ensure that the rent is paid regularly , and keep an eye on it generally .
19 I ca n't find a bit that Give me the pencil and let me show you .
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