Example sentences of "[vb infin] it up [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I was gon na screw it up and throw it at you .
2 I do not want to play games in colour on my TV , I can do household accounts with a piece of paper and a pencil , I can learn languages easier from a book and a tape recorder , if I want information I can look it up and read it far faster than I can get it from a screen and I can turn back with a nip of the finger and read it again .
3 Oh put it down here I 'll cut it up and give it to the birds .
4 He said and we 'll take it up and repair it for you .
5 It need not be individual life , since in Bilbo 's second version others can take it up and follow it in their turn ; however in Frodo 's and Bilbo 's first version the image of the traveller pursuing the Road looks very like a symbol of the individual pursuing his moment of consciousness down the unknown road which is everyone 's future life , to an end which no one can predict .
6 Well they like to cut their food in their own length , and roll it into balls in their mouth and then they can er regurge it up and chew it .
7 Sometimes they 'd stand it up and watch it fall over , as if justifying their negligence .
8 She wished they could both make it up and release her from this terrible trap .
9 I 'm very surprised your attitude is that we should cover it up and hide it away rather than try and elucidate its value for science .
10 It was then replayed almost nightly by someone with a grudge against the Royals so that amateur scanners would pick it up and make it public .
11 ‘ This book : if you lose it somewhere , someone will pick it up and return it to you .
12 ‘ Never mind , ’ she said kindly , ‘ maybe someone else will pick it up and bring it back . ’
13 If it does not pass through the House before the general election , the next Labour Government will pick it up and enact it .
14 I should pick it up and bite it with your teeth if it 's getting too difficult .
15 I 'll pick it up and hold it .
16 Those who understood this might leave a swatch of fabric lying around so that Laura could pick it up and believe she had discovered it herself , even if they had been trying to persuade her to use it for months .
17 If you 've got a phone , whether it 's in your car , in your house , at the bottom of your garden , you can pick it up and give me a ring on .
18 If he chucks something on the ground he 'll pick it up and give it to me and he 'll do it all the more .
19 Now he 'll put it up and hold it .
20 It 's just the pocket really let's turn you round a bit see if it hurts it 's just the way it is I 'm afraid see if we can open it up and spread it out a bit .
21 Ooh you gon na open it up and eat it .
22 I said to him I 'll wrap it up and give you it for your Christmas present !
23 In my view , the steps that the Government have taken , and are proposing to take , will in no way diminish the handling of the cases ; indeed , I hope that they will speed it up and make it more effective and efficient .
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