Example sentences of "[vb infin] and [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A member of a board , although not affected by one of the statutory disqualifications above mentioned , may be so closely associated with the subject-matter of the proceedings as to make it improper that he should act and vote as a member of the board in connection with them .
2 I mean we do n't whether she sort of it does n't say whether she volunteered to go and talk to the people in the school , but even so it 's quite it takes quite a lot of doing to stand up in front of a group of people you do n't know and talk about the work .
3 The substitution of the term " information " for the old " press and propaganda " , and its promotion to ministerial level seemed to indicate a more wide-ranging approach to questions of what the general public might know and think of the regime ; while the allocation of official attention to tourism suggested that , by contrast with the days of autarchy and isolationism , foreigners were henceforth to be encouraged to come to Spain .
4 Q. Does the Committee know and agree to the cost of the work ?
5 Wallace and Speed were the scorers … shame Town ca n't appeal and ask for a replay
6 Patrilocal residence , where women join the households of their husbands rather than vice versa , and the continued strength of the system of domestic production , where families consume most of what they produce rather than buy and sell in the market , have always been seen as obstacles to capitalist development in the Third World and as strong reinforcements for the maintenance of feudal-patriarchal relations .
7 Australian batsman Geoff Marsh , an asthmatic , is contributing to a TV advertising campaign to help people recognise and deal with the health problem .
8 What principally weighs with me in thinking that Lord Coke made a mistake of fact is my conviction that all men of business , whether merchants or tradesmen , do every day recognise and act on the ground that prompt payment of a part of their demand may be more beneficial to them than it would be to insist on their rights and enforce payment of the whole .
9 Water , it seemed , was everywhere ; the lanes were mired with it , dikes deep , clogged here and there by flotsam into dams that would sunder and flood under the pressure of constant rain .
10 Only the best operations will survive and prosper in the future for accident repair .
11 Every Sunday morning when his wife woke him he soundly ( if silently ) cursed his adopted religion ; but the hell of getting up when all sensible creatures were lost in lovely sleep , was more than compensated for by the feeling of well-being after Mass , which made him beam and glow like an advertisement for salts — ‘ It 's Inner Cleanliness that counts ! ’ — ; and look forward with relish to eggs and bacon with a righteous sense of having earned them , and the lazy hours to follow .
12 I believe I understand what makes the heart of Britain beat , what inspires all those millions of families across the land to go out each day to work and strive and create for the future .
13 They will strive and fight for an end , even if they think there is only a small chance of success .
14 Nor was it some stranger come to drink and dance and lie with a man in a borrowed bed .
15 Invite your partner to respond — and listen — so you can negotiate and agree on a solution .
16 Now one can say well what are we aiming for in terms of the sexual harassment free environment , and I think that what one would be aiming for is if not the atmosphere of a girls ' convent school one 's certainly aiming at an environment where women can work and study and interact without the sense of being constantly on display as sexual objects , and , you know , to that extent I do n't know if it is the case that a large number of the respondents are saying , you know , ‘ I have come from an environment when I have n't had to deal with this before , and I do n't expect to have to deal with it ’ then we should certainly sit up and take notice of that .
17 According to her she was convinced that Francis would inherit and dispose of the business , but she might have thought she could do a deal with Beryl .
18 This may be reasonably safe with a very long tow rope , but if there is only a shorter length of rope available the glider may overrun and smash into the back of the car , causing hundreds of pounds ' worth of damage to the glider .
19 What could you smell and taste during the fight ?
20 After a court ruling that this was unlawful , Haringey rang round other councils to see if they could borrow and lend on the money to tide it over .
21 One crew member ejected but was later found drowned , the other did not eject and died in the crash .
22 And the BOR is a friendly fellow too ; he may sometimes be a rough diamond , he may swear and complain about the weather , the food , the British Government , but he shrewdly weighs up the people he meets .
23 Others may find their essential needs met by acted-out fantasy , as with the man who insists that his adult partner should dress and behave like a child .
24 ‘ A lot of them that works on commission just say there 's nothing they can do and call in the tow-truck . ’
25 Any small hope held out to her by circumstances , or by her lover , is as a wisp which she can spin and twist into a thread , and if she gathers enough of these her feelings tell her that she will be able to bind them into a strong rope .
26 Under the watchful eye of their very own ringmaster , Matt Gosling , would-be Cocos can learn how to juggle , spin and cope with the embarrassment of failure .
27 Faced with the prospect of growing structural unemployment and reflecting an analysis that structural unemployment would be a growing feature of industrial society , the work-force at Lucas Aerospace proposed 150 socially useful products which they could design and manufacture as an alternative to facing degradation and suffering in the dole queue .
28 When Mrs Hollidaye said that she and Miss Lilian had to walk over to fetch the milk from the home farm , she suggested that Dot should stay and rest by the fire .
29 Do n't worry , I 'll stay and look after the villa for you . ’
30 We had been advised that if we laid on a couple of bottles of champagne he might stay and chat for a while after the show .
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