Example sentences of "[vb infin] the [noun] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To be described as surplus to requirements , perhaps after many years of loyal and diligent service , can cripple the self-esteem of even the most resilient person .
2 But of course , the ‘ life from space ’ hypothesis does not answer the question of how the very first organic molecules arose ; and it seems at least as likely that they arose on primitive Earth as elsewhere .
3 THE JUNKIES OF HONG Kong have the perfect means of escape from the constant downtown din , which can rattle the nerves of even the most hardened city-slicker .
4 Any rule directly or indirectly restricting solicitors ' freedom to undertake all the actions necessary for the preparation and presentation of cases will need the approval of both the Secretary of State and the Lord President of the Court of Session .
5 Although many people possess the psychotic traits we have been discussing , only a few will show the signs of even a borderline disorder and still fewer will develop a full-blown psychotic illness .
6 For example , Private Acts of Parliament are treated as legislation even though they may regulate the conduct of only a single individual ; on the other hand , an ‘ administrative order ’ affecting a large number of people may be difficult to distinguish from as legislative act .
7 And some buti or other would feel the need at least every hour .
8 In many tuna sets most encircled dolphins are successfully released , but sometimes adverse weather conditions or equipment malfunctions can hamper the efforts of even the best-intentioned and most experienced crews .
9 In his mind that was guarded by grey , disinterested eyes and his sallow tight-drawn forehead , Holly could picture the process of how a match lit in innocence had tumbled upon an incendiary device .
10 You know , people And I did n't , well you were suppose Well we did mark the book at perhaps a p a pound to a book you know , like they were in those days .
11 The Prince , momentarily forgetting his orders for Sharpe to change into Dutch uniform , dominated the luncheon conversation as he eagerly expressed his wish that the French would attack before the Duke returned from his meeting with the Prussians , for then the Prince could defeat the enemy with only the help of his faithful Dutch troops .
12 The Council will be particularly interested in pilot proposals which further enhance the Development Programme rather than simply duplicate the work of either the 1988 pilots or central developments planned to take place during session 1988–89 .
13 The high degree of stylistic affinity maintained between the pavements from Woodchester , Barton Farm and Stonesfield ( section 5.1 ) does suggest the work of much the same group of craftsmen .
14 They have devised sophisticated instruments to detect and measure the energies of even the smallest traces of the products .
15 We had to explain to them what a three-dimensional , you know , lock-up page was and why , you know , gutters were a certain width and if you had column rules and gutters , you know , why they were centered and why you could n't , if you had a wide margin below three columns of text why you did n't move the gutter beyond where the text was n't so white , or why you did n't move it down and have it join a rule here because it would have been a real pain in the arse to have to do that in metal , so you just sit and do it .
16 But Purcell did not set the lyrics in quite the way their writer had mapped out for him .
17 Another hundred years on , the station has undergone a multimillion-pound facelift and British Rail is confident its ambitious refurbishment and future development plans will meet the approval of even the most regal travellers .
18 The trend towards mainstreaming is an important one , but it does not alter the question of how the teacher of the deaf communicates with profoundly deaf children .
19 Well after a while the bricks got hot enough that you could just adjust the valve to where the stove would get almost cherry red and it was a very nice fire .
20 We must recognize the truth in both the Oriental and the Christian views . ’
21 There may be a tendency to overdo it and attach sounds to almost everything , however , which can fray the temper of even the most patient colleague after a while .
22 There may be a tendency to overdo it and attach sounds to almost everything , however , which can fray the temper of even the most patient colleague after a while .
23 ‘ Over there is an occasional table with a vase of flowers , dried and well past their best , and down there is the piano ; and one , may I add , which would try the patience of even the totally tone-deaf . ’
24 I 'm sorry I did n't get round to doing it , but I did have the flu for quite a while .
25 Their chairman would have the support of both the Secretary of State and the LEA in discouraging , and ultimately forbidding , discussion of the performance of an individual pupil or teacher at an annual parents ' meeting .
26 Will it not produce the equivalent of about a quarter of the nuclear arsenals of both the Soviet Union and the United States at their peak by the year 2000 ?
27 This emphasis on " coherence " , rather than " cohesion " , would take the workshop into quite a different area ; an area where it would be informed by relevant stylistic work on , for example , plot structure ( Stubbs 1982 ) discourse structure ( Hoey 1989 ) and semantic-relational structure ( Crombie 1989 ) .
28 It will tell the story of how the rules of the sport were established , the great men and institutions behind them … and some of the scandals .
29 There is a new requirement that people organising demonstrations and processions in the streets should tell the police at least a week in advance , which is a good thing .
30 In many cases , a material may exhibit the characteristics of both a liquid and a solid and neither of the limiting laws will adequately describe its behaviour .
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