Example sentences of "[vb infin] [been] [verb] into [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is argued that during the dry phases , the humid forests would have been fragmented into island-like refugia ( Figure 7.1 ) of isolated blocks of forest .
2 Wider social policies , which might have been incorporated into regenerative programmes effected by local government , have been muted if not abandoned .
3 So in a short while , all the molecules will have been spun into non-absorbing orientations .
4 Had the BBC realised what a gem it was holding , the deciding match of the tournament ( as all others ) could have been turned into real money spinners ; but , no , it was a lost opportunity .
5 By now 40 per cent of manufacturing industry , 50 per cent of construction industry and 60 per cent of retail trade and services will have been turned into joint-stock companies , privatized or leased .
6 Practically all aspects of the curriculum will have been programmed into machine-usable form by 1985 …
7 If outrage were the sole test of legality in the arts , then the Impressionists would never have been allowed to organise the Salon des Refusés , Edvard Munch would have been driven into permanent exile , and the score of Stravinsky 's Rite of Spring would be gathering dust in some criminal museum like the Italian negative of Bertolucci 's Last Tango in Paris .
8 The impulse which made Lewis transcribe the dialogue at such length was something which could have been directed into comic fiction .
9 To get this little lot cost us £1.35 , which is n't a lot though , to be honest , it could have been compressed into two windows without losing any usefulness , and cut the price by a third .
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