Example sentences of "[vb infin] [that] we [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The committee 's first leaflet , We Must Win , declared : ‘ We must set out ideals and objectives in clear terms and we must so order our own mode of life and social system that men may know that we offer a happiness , freedom and prosperity which can never flourish under Hitler 's totalitarianism .
2 The hon. Gentleman must recognise that we face a world recession .
3 Would you recognise that we live a society where some men hate women and are able to use whatever power and influence they have to project an image of women which is which is hateful ?
4 This will ensure that we help the Group come through the worse recession in our industry for many years , and that we are in place and able to contribute to the future upturn in the market .
5 And very importantly to the accountant , the way that we can ensure that we maintain the integrity of the accounting data , is by exploiting checksum techniques in the database to ensure that the only valid way of u of updating the accounting data is through the accounting application and that 's it 's therefore properly secure and properly audit trailed .
6 To say that crime is functional and necessary for society 's health is to say that we must always ensure that we retain a stock of people whom we humiliate , imprison or ( perhaps worst of all ) regard as suitable cases for treatment .
7 Let us assume that we persuade the Government of the day to allow one day of prime Government time for that debate .
8 You 'll remember that we had a pilot project in South Oxford Health Centre , Tony is one of the G P's there , I 'm expecting that he 's going to be very positive about this project since we all are , in terms of it 's practice service delivery .
9 The House will remember that we had the effrontery to propose that we should have a property-based system founded largely on capital valuation and with legal liability falling on the householder alone .
10 You may remember that we discussed the distinction between open and closed classes in Chapter 3 when we described research into early syntactic development in children 's speech .
11 To me it seems particularly loathsome and , when you look at the experiences in countries like America where it operates , you 'll see that we want no part of it in this country .
12 You are already aware that the Sports Council very generously grant aided us for 1985 and when you receive your Annual Report you will see that we have a surplus of approximately £7.500 .
13 Er Chairman I 'm perhaps I could also suggest that we change the word suggested erm because that i i it , perhaps you are looking for something slightly stronger erm er so it could just say in accordance with paragraphs two four to two nine or the points made in paragraph two point
14 However , I would suggest that we have a conversation with these four people before eradicating them from first round discussions .
15 We are recommen , I will move that we amend the County Council 's policy of consultation with the borough and district councils , by increasing the three week period referred to in the report , under er paragraph six , to six weeks .
16 Geoff Wappett writes : ‘ A great deal was learned by everyone and , should the opportunity occur again , I would recommend that we make the trip again .
17 Okay then chairman I I would er recommend that we support the amendment moved by Mr .
18 In the past , this did not mean that we would not move from company to company , it most certainly did not mean that we ha that we thought we had a job for life , but it did mean that we expected a degree of permanence and improvement as part of the reward for our endeavours and labour .
19 The fact that we do n't require the evidence of God 's existence to be overwhelming does not mean that we require no evidence of God 's existence at all .
20 If we can never be certain that we have stated every objective we might have , in the clearest form , and with the most practical means of testing whether it has been achieved , this does not mean that we abandon the attempt or that to try one 's best under the circumstances is not a helpful activity .
21 But that does mean that we accept the movie myth that these forces are externalised or become absolute in some creatures or people .
22 You 'll also notice that we put a provision in there of half a million for expansion of packing cos we believe that we may need this erm with the production of the o you for the carry on .
23 You would agree that we have a right to seek this information ? ’
24 And , what did you say that we get a lot of claims on carriage forward ?
25 ‘ I suppose you could say that we got a lot of interesting , philosophical reflections on national characteristics , the inadequacy of police methods , his own probity and old-fashioned virtues .
26 Erm I , I ca n't say that we sold a lot of them I , I , and I have n't seen a lot about at all , er it 's a very good idea I mean two , there 's mainly two different types , one that was held up by pins which was , was quite good er and erm and there was another one which was held up by erm a pin which ran , which the flex ran through , a stud rather than a , a pin and er two little black legs on it , was very good .
27 I mean , you may like them but would you say that we need the monarchy ?
28 They will say that we have a responsibility to serve all sections of society and to produce programmes that reflect and represent the composition of the nation accurately .
29 What this requires is an agreed upon standard of measurement such that we can say that we have a unit of measurement and can give a precise quantitative expression to distances between the various points .
30 Just be very brief , chair , erm could I ask that we have a report before council on this , and I know it will be an extra two hours on the poor council debate , but I think this is so important , and it does affect the planet for hundreds of years to come , and I think if we ca n't have a discussion on this in full council , well , it 's the most important thing we 've had for years probably , and I think we should have a discussion before council sit .
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