Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv prt] and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Later the wolf would be cut open while she was asleep , filled up with heavy stones once the little pigs had scrabbled out of her , stitched up again by the woodcutter ; and then she would be driven by thirst to the river , would topple in and drown with the weight of the stones .
2 Because I felt extremely low , and needed company , I telephoned Esme on Wednesday evening , the day Father died , to ask if she would come out for a canoe ride from the Aquatic Club to River Park , but she said she must stay in and practise for a forthcoming piano recital .
3 The obvious thing to do is strip off and dive into the clear , green water , but I would n't advise it .
4 As they accelerated away Joseph turned to stare out of the window and saw the peasant jump up and break into a little celebratory caper in the middle of the road .
5 BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL We can now make plastics which can break down and disappear into the soil .
6 It does n't break out and go on the rampage when it 's there . ’
7 Pop had bought a large inflated life jacket for me to wear in case of our ship being sunk , in which case you were all to hold on to the cords round my waist , and he would swim round and act as a watchdog !
8 Charlotte do n't just run off and get on the path
9 She did n't dare look up and shrank into a ball , knees to chin , loaf held between crossed arms and her chest .
10 DO hurry up and register for the BT3 share sale .
11 The trainee , together with the in-bureau tutor , should work out and carry through a tailor-made course of study .
12 Your presence may help to concentrate its mind , however , and you can establish a routine whereby it can run around and play for a few minutes after it has performed as desired .
13 ni-night and Stacey you can lay down and listen to the story , come on put your stuff away and lay down , good night
14 In such circumstances ( known as ‘ the last resort ’ ) the Bank of England will always step in and lend to the discount houses , or purchase bills of exchange from them before the bills have reached maturity .
15 The opponent may move in and strike with a roundhouse kick to the head and the first-time fighter may not actually see it coming .
16 and she 'd draw up and come in the church , in the shop yard there and I used to , when I got home she 'd be hot , you see .
17 From now on smokers must clock out and go to a special room for each cigarette break .
18 So why do n't you admit supplying and then John can stay out and look after the kids , like ? ’
19 Whether the issue is North Korea 's nuclear defiance , tensions between India and Pakistan , or the wrangle over Cambodia , China 's new-found influence obliges it to choose : it can join in and help with the sorting out , or confirm the suspicion that China may become , instead , Asia 's most troublesome power .
20 So if you 'd like to go down the stairs there there are some coats oh your coats and things and I will er go and come and join you and we 'll we 'll take off and look at the outside .
21 ‘ He 'll not sell up and go into a Home , that 's for sure , ’ said his Dad .
22 Whereas the speaker knows that any words which pass his lips will be heard by his interlocutor and , if they are not what he intends , he will have to undertake active , public ‘ repair ’ , the writer can cross out and rewrite in the privacy of his study .
23 She tried to decide whether she should swallow her pride and tell John how she felt or whether to just go on and hope for the best .
24 Mrs Margaret Charles , living 200 yards from the crash , said : ‘ I am furious because I do not think pilots should just bale out and let the plane go on and crash into a village .
25 And either you say to yourself ‘ I ca n't find it ’ or you can go on and get to the middle of things and keep trying to find it .
26 And then we can go on and look at the passage , which brings together the words of the widow and Elisha and the actions of God .
27 ‘ I decided I 'd just walk on and yap for a bit .
28 Shall I go down and eat in the hotel restaurant , or shall I go out ?
29 Well , no the other day he said if I 'm really that bad you just tell me and I 'll go down and sleep on the sofa .
30 The body will go down and disappear under the water , and the murderers will then go down the pipe themselves , and swim across the moat . ’
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