Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv prt] and [verb] [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 nothing since last August and my husband keeps saying oh I must stay in and do it , I must stay in and do it and I just do n't !
2 ‘ If I enter the room when she 's talking to Carrie or my ma , she 'll simply dry up and say nothing until I 've left .
3 I 'd send out and help them if it would n't spoil everything . ’
4 I 'll ring through and tell him that you 're coming . "
5 The women would look up and congratulate me and encourage me to ‘ go on , go on , you can , you can ’ .
6 NME has yet to print anything nasty about Kingmaker , and I wish they 'd hurry up and do something because NME are a completely unchallenging and boring music paper who do nothing to contribute to today 's thing .
7 I knew I was going on too long , but I kept thinking that Mr Taylor would butt in and stop me if he wanted to .
8 Well we could go down and watch it if you like .
9 and , well no it 's not sociable but because you come out and it , it gets you away from here because you 've got so many things on during the day you want some time to yourself and because you , we 've found us a place that we wo n't get busted and we know we wo n't we go in and have it but I can guarantee that if we were , like walking into this room , if it was full of smoke it would put me off straight away .
10 You 'd go in and see him and he 's sitting down , so I 'd stay stood up , so I 'm above him and that gives me a psychological advantage straight away , does n't it ?
11 Well I 'll go in and see them and sort it out .
12 I 'm , I 'm gon na go up and see him before we go .
13 Before he could reach out and stab him as he planned , and then kill his companion too , and with support from his companions , seize the cannon himself , he heard a scream of pain behind him and realised that another of his fellow fighters had fallen from the ring fence on to the ground .
14 I might do this last actually the eyes and I 'll go back and do them when they 're dry .
15 Let them go out and show us and the world that we are right ’ .
16 There was no doubt in my mind that I would go out and prove myself and answer all those questions about me . ’
17 I wonder if Aunty Ann will come round today er if not , suppose we could go round and see her if she 's about , getting withdrawal symptoms , wo n't she ?
18 Now you 're gon na get on and read it and you can report back in ten minutes and I do n't want any questions .
19 But you see that 's what you should do now you should get in and do it while you 're unemployed .
20 And er , I 'll come down and show them if they like .
21 My fantasies were never about specific sexual activities , they were always on the level of some emotional transcendence — someone would come along and embrace me and that would be it ; I could n't really envisage what the nitty gritty practical things were .
22 Normally I 'd get up and make me and Marie a cup of coffee , but there ai n't no point now , so I stay in bed .
23 most likely to make people believe that they can achieve a certain thing and let them get up and do it and erm so that the Party 's role is in the initial stage fostering as much mobilization
24 And they 'd come up and wait them but I 'd make them a cup of coffee or a cup of cocoa or something like that , there were n't coffee then cos we could n't afford coffee we used to have cocoa or make them a mug of tea .
25 If your cigarette went out the screws would come back and light it if they was in the right frame of mind : all depends who was on .
26 So it gets to the end of the line and it will come back and adjust itself and go under the the
27 My dad said he 'd buy me a ticket to fly back to England and David said that he 'd pay him back because he 'd be very happy if I could come back and help him as he did n't really know how to deal with his mother 's grief .
28 erm which should be , you know , enough , but again if there 's a problem then my phone number is on your collection card which is there and I 'll come out and re-stock you as it were
29 If you place the Night Goblin unit close to your best core unit the enemy wo n't dare to charge the core unit with knights or other precious troops — if he does the Fanatics will come out and whap him as he moves .
30 They buy the records and the video , so on days like this I must come out and see them and say ‘ Thank you ’ because I am in their debt .
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