Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv prt] [prep] [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time it must be borne in mind that in literature , prominence and deviance frequently take a more extreme form ( for example in the Gormenghast passage on p 29 ) which would show up against practically any norm we should choose ; this more general deviance can be demonstrated by taking one 's relative norms from as broad a range as possible .
2 Secondly , it has been held that ‘ the pressure may touch off at once some form of words . ’
3 All too often we fall into the trap of thinking that the only really joyful experiences of life are those that we do n't have ; we can miss out on so much happiness if we do n't appreciate what we have already .
4 With their Chargecards you can dial out from almost any phone at the same cost as using a phone box , the cost of the calls being added to your normal bill .
5 The whole consignment , Carmichael says , must filter down into as many pairs of hands as possible .
6 Some would take up for ever more space than they were entitled to — like my mother 's wedding dress , shrouded in sheet linen , suspended in time , uncrushed by the other more workaday but less significant garments that crowded together as though they were cold , waiting in a queue , inmates of a zenana to be taken up or not at the Pasha 's pleasure , promiscuously gathered , at the mercy of their owner .
7 You 've got to try and hold on to so much information that something eventually has to drop .
8 The only inquiry has been the American one and that was handicapped because the British er er partners of er Price Waterhouse did n't pass on to either that inquiry or to the American partners of Price Waterhouse , the information they had about what had gone wrong with B C C I so that inquiry itself was inadequate but it is the only one and what that found er was appalling er indeed they were pretty critical about British audit regulation , about the auditors performance .
9 If you do inadvertently end up with very little airbrake , or with excess speed , do n't be afraid to hold off slightly higher than normal while you get rid of some of the speed .
10 amazed I actually did erm what happened erm I was happened to be upstairs and my wife shouted quick quick there 's a zither , so I zoomed down here and the lady was still talking to you and a dialled well consequently I did n't get through for quite some time but I did eventually , erm your lady on the reception said well it 's gone now she said but I will give the lady 's telephone number and I spoke to the lady and told her the position and she says well if it 's not collected by so time I 'll g ring you back and I said well I 've been after one for a long long time she said well I ca n't understand it cos I 've been advertising it .
11 They sang every song they knew , which between them did not add up to very many songs .
12 I 'll just erm pick up on maybe some things that you have n't already mentioned .
13 Usual stuff — you arrange that on such-and-such a day you 'll turn up with so many people and so much luggage and he 'll transport you to the next place and when you turn up he pretends things have changed and you did n't say fifty but fifteen and anyway the price has gone up and so on and so bloody on until he gets the backhander he wants .
14 If it be objected that no beginning writer shops around in this way among the idioms handed down to him from the past , the evidence is that certain beginning writers do shop around in just this way ; Ezra Pound was one of them , and he is by no means so exceptional as is supposed .
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