Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv prt] [conj] [vb infin] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 However , there is always the remote possibility that you might run down and injure someone in the water , which could cost you as much as £100,000 !
2 If we could all step back and watch ourselves in our daily lives , we might all learn a great deal — and with some effort , we could all no doubt be nicer , more attractive people .
3 He would have to heave her blood-stained body away from the door and then scramble over it before he could race out and lose himself in the hills .
4 You can get vitamins by eating a healthy home diet of fruit and vegetables , or you can go out and get them in a bottle . ’
5 He says you can still go out and enjoy yourself in the sun but it 's important to wear a hat and protective clothing — and to avoid the sun altogether when it 's at its height .
6 I 'll go around and see him in a minute .
7 Could you come down and see me in my office , please , Dorothy ? ’
8 The best she could hope for was that someone would come along and abuse her in various disgusting and incomprehensible ways .
9 Because he thinks a woman is not gon na get up and smack him in the face .
10 Promoter Dan Duva , Lou 's son , said : ‘ It has to be in Las Vegas , not here , because Vegas is where the money is — and if you win you can come back and defend it in front of your own fans . ’
11 He said to go away and come back and see him in a year 's time . ’
12 ‘ Then we must get back and wake everyone in Strelsau ! ’
13 Just our own lighting plant and the hens would even come out and meet you in the dark they knew knew you were coming .
14 But when the scare is over , Hazards Limited will pull out and leave you in charge . ’
15 The door stayed jammed shut , and he did n't shout back or answer her in any way .
16 A miasma of despair rose from the cluster of black Workshops and Fenella felt it billow out and engulf them in its sick , cold desolation .
17 ‘ We 'll push off and see you in a couple of hours . ’
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