Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pos pn] [noun] [conj] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I asked her to phone because I thought you might just recognise my voice and as we did n't part on the best of terms … ’
2 He will need my attention and as I note from his record that he is also a Roman Catholic by religion , he may also need the ministrations of Father Martin here . ’
3 The defender averred that as a result of that announcement he telephoned Macfie & Alexander , speaking to Mr Rae , one of the partners , and told him to expect an offer of £70,000 from Ferguson & Forster and that he instructed Mr Rae that when the offer was received , he ( the defender ) would consider its terms and if he found them satisfactory he would instruct Mr Rae to accept the offer .
4 Not because the decision in Spain weighed on him , but because while Niki 's Ferrari continued to perform with unfailing reliability , his own car , due to minute adjustments to accommodate new regulations , was turning into a pig : proof once again that even the tiniest changes in a car can gravely affect its performance and that it is the smallest defects that are the hardest to detect .
5 The poor must tighten their belts and if they had run out of notches , it was just too bad .
6 Cos you 've got to and he ca n't use his fingers and if he has to it right ?
7 I could not understand his remarks except that he often said " schon " of the water colours , " sehr schon " .
8 The Irish have settled into this country and there are communities of them all over do they go and see your concerts and if they do that must mean a great deal to them I should think ?
9 ‘ No , Robbie , ’ he spoke the words between kisses that could not slake her need and as she gave a little whimper of protest .
10 He kidnaps her in the hope that she will accept and return his affections and when he ties her up the sexual and emotional metaphors of the title abound .
11 Did n't have my tea till while he was on er what 's his name ?
12 He could hear her voice as though she was here in this room , her own unique aroma all around him .
13 Mixed-motive officials are of three types : ( a ) zealots — they are especially obsessive about particular pet policies even though no one else may share their enthusiasm and although it may be detrimental to the organisation as a whole ; ( b ) advocates — concerned with getting things done and loyal to a broader set of policies ; ( c ) statesmen — concerned with the good of the state or society as a whole .
14 ‘ The aggrieved consumer needs an accessible local service to which he can take his troubles and where he will receive a realistic appraisal , a measure of help in presenting his case , or a pointer to the next step .
15 Just say Wayne said can he have his videos and if she do n't cough them up in the week , say you do n't get any more money until he gets his videos back .
16 I shall read his speech and where I am unable to reply as fully as I might , I shall write to him .
17 I assured her that I would definitely not change my mind and that I was sure that I wanted to do it .
18 She thought that once she would have been described as an ‘ old maid ’ and wondered whether she could blame her brothers or if it was all her own fault for being too easy-going .
19 I hope he 'll change his mind but if he does n't , I 'll play bass .
20 So he had the Sierra and he said I do n't know whether he 'll want it for , it could be sort of three or four weeks if they 're gon na repair his car or if we can get one within the company like at another depot obviously they 'll get that for him rather than hire one off you .
21 ‘ Obviously if we can get his support and if he comes up trumps , it will be marvellous , ’ she said .
22 You 've got ta get your think but if you do n't get yourself right you 're gon na be in a right two and eight .
23 Er what we tell these patients is that they do n't have evidence of obstruction , or if they do have obstruction , then that obstruction does not threaten their kidney and that it would be appropriate to wait and watch their symptoms .
24 ‘ I promise , ’ he told them , ‘ that I shall not fail your trust and that I shall lead the country to free elections .
25 Yeah well I 'll ask I 'll ask my mum but if I if I did n't I 'm gon na have to get perhaps
26 And I think you 've got ta address my doubts because if I have doubts how am I going to stand in front of members and say hang on a minute , I can give you all of these answers , I can tell you what unison 's going to be like and this is what 's been decided , now come back to me and give me your fears , give me your doubts and I 'll go and take them on to represent you .
27 I was out of the flat before she could turn her head and as I passed Springsteen on the stairs , I said : ‘ You 're on your own , kid . ’
28 And he , of course , would accept her ministrations as though they were quite simply no more than his due .
29 Now this is a problem er because if you do n't sharply define your objectives and if you do n't know what you need to achieve them , then you 're likely to stumble into the possibility of an uncontrolled war e even into a total war whereas the original objective was not in fact er as serious er as , as er as that .
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