Example sentences of "[vb infin] [subord] [pron] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 I must also apologize if I seemed to be trying to put you off them .
2 Here 's a list of words you should know if you want to be involved in the PD scene .
3 Endill did not know if he wanted to be hard but was too tired to argue .
4 ‘ I do n't know if I want to be doing this in ten years ’ time but I certainly believe it is important to plan ahead .
5 I hate to think what we 'd do if they had to be replaced .
6 Q What do I do if I wish to be excused attendance at School ?
7 This can matter if you expect to be working late and the bus stage is some distance away from your place of work .
8 The video is a cruel critic and will immediately show whether you appear to be a victim or a survivor .
9 Students at that time could apparently choose when they wished to be examined ( after the continental custom ) as there was no fixed examination schedule as we know it .
10 He even added a comment : ‘ This was written by Eled in an attempt to spoil the Book , but it will remain if I live to be 100 . ’
11 ( When you were young , do you remember whether you wanted to be like your mother ? )
12 Oh yes , I do not mind for I like to be good .
13 Skills people bring in are not necessarily the ones they will use as they have to be trained in the needs of the business .
14 Serious suicidal intent is usually involved in their acts ( although , as discussed earlier ( p. 17 ) , even shooting may occur when there appears to be ambivalence about dying ) .
15 They are trying to guard me … but until I see for myself , how do I decide if I want to be protected ?
16 They must decide whether they want to be part of the decaying apartheid system or part of a new South Africa . ’
17 A CLASSIC example of schizophrenic movie-making at its worst , this paralysingly confused account of the birth of modern gangsterism ca n't decide whether it wants to be a hard-hitting action pic , a gooey teen idol vehicle or a convoluted docudrama .
18 Sometimes Anne was annoyed by this unnecessary furtiveness and sometimes wondered why John had not explained the situation to her sooner and let her decide whether she wished to be involved with him , but she pushed these doubts aside .
19 Well , from Cizek 's point of view , it is much better that they should draw as they know to be , than for him to show them by means of perspective how to draw the house as it is seen by the camera 's eye .
20 In Aids to Scoutmastership ( 1919 ) Baden-Powell likened his movement to Montessori 's system of education applied to older youths , recommending this as ‘ the line that eventually education will take when it comes to be set upon a right footing ’ .
21 ‘ You 'd better rest if you want to be well enough to travel tomorrow , ’ she suggested coldly .
22 I did n't go because I wanted to be rich .
23 But how could she leave when she wanted to be near Naylor ?
24 I do n't care if they have to be strapped to the mast .
25 I do n't care if you want to be pretty .
26 She did n't ask if she wanted to be my partner .
27 You may ask whether there has to be these two levels at meetings .
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