Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [prep] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Until early September you 'll meet strong winds , and you 'll need to sail to windward in a force 4 or even force 6 in a short choppy sea .
2 It would need to look at least at the two following decades .
3 So what things do we need to think about perhaps from the trainee 's point of view ?
4 ‘ One is afraid of making friends , one is afraid of moving ; like the old lepers , one would like to call from afar to the people : ‘ Do n't come too near me , for intercourse with me brings you sorrow and loss . ’ ’
5 Would you like to move over there to the er er John and er
6 Only the most privileged would hope to cross from here into the inner enclosure , where amid streams , paradise gardens and pavilions , lay the zenanas of the women and the private apartments of the Great Mogul .
7 ‘ You 'll have to go in here for the time being . ’
8 If you do n't mind I 'll stand up cos I 'm gon na have to shoot over there to the plans in some stage in the , in the presentation .
9 During the lifetime of the roof they will have to deal with up to a million gallons of water and will be subjected to the sun 's ultra-violet rays , frost , snow and wind .
10 The barrister reacted to a situation created by the judge ; he felt that he must try to convey at once to the jury that his client was not being obstructive or reticent about disclosing a statement .
11 An emergency meeting of the Third Division 's four-man board decided the club will continue to play at least into the New Year .
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