Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] [det] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A senior executive of a business once told me that he had difficulty in getting women employees to realize and make known such skills in the working environment .
2 The odds cited above would have given little comfort to the man in Kurunagala who , during a rash of cattle thefts , had to pay a ransom for the same animal seven times before finally selling it for the paltry sum of two rupees .
3 We hope to ensure that every candidate will have given some consideration to the issues which affect older people .
4 During this time Mozart may have given some lessons to the young Beethoven , who was visiting Vienna for the first time .
5 Dickens published Sketches by Boz in 1836–7 , just twenty years after Jane Austen 's death , and it is not difficult to discover , by a comparison , why Kingsley should have regarded that book as a watershed in the depiction of fictional living space .
6 He may also have developed some connections with the Tempests of Bracewell .
7 He may also have developed some connections with the Tempests of Bracewell .
8 If it had been Everthorpe , she would have dismissed this performance as a clumsy pass , but Wilcox seemed teased by some genuine memory .
9 This probably resulted from the fall in sea level during the glacial period , which would have exposed more land around the continent , allowing the mantle to spread over a wider continent , to cover what is now shallow sea-bed , and to thicken inland along the line of the present coast .
10 If the dependent subsidiary provisions are triggered then any " chargeable increase in the value of the shares " within s79 Finance Act 1988 can give management a Schedule E income tax charge , at a time when management will not have realised any cash from the increased value in the shares to pay the tax .
11 Secondly , there is no reason why the vendor should receive payment from the purchaser for the debtors earlier than the vendor would have received such payment from the debtors themselves .
12 By then we should have completed any changes to the constitution and bye-laws , have decided on the long term future of our examination system and have strengthened our financial position so that we can meet the costs involved .
13 Tristan would never have won any prizes as an exponent of the haute cuisine .
14 As we indicate to the general assembly in the printed report , the Board could have insisted on its rights under contract made with those bodies and the Board was confident that it would have won any action in the courts .
15 None who might have carried that wish to the length of killing her .
16 There are , of course , major problems in evaluating programmes , as we have already discussed , but one could perhaps have expected more concern about the amount of information transmitted by each method and about how each works in the classroom .
17 However , it can cause severe problems especially in mining areas where the smelting of copper , lead , arsenic , tin and zinc might have dispersed these elements over the adjacent downwind soils .
18 I would have picked these players for the 18 men squad :
19 He would have earned more income on the seven thousand pounds .
20 The disapproving proscriptions of puritanism could not have squeezed all impropriety from the area .
21 The Communist Party , moreover , was a unitary organisation based upon the same principle of democratic centralism , and there was no constitutional court which , as in a true federation , could have resolved any dispute about the respective powers of the republics and of the USSR as a whole .
22 The prospect of a pension must have attracted many men into a profession in which prestige was low , the pay not particularly good , and discipline strict .
23 Well , if we had been a little more realistic , we would have included another item in the expenditure side — wasted time , which some of you may have included under the heading private study !
24 She nonchalantly waved a hand in a direction that might have included any tent in the camp .
25 If Cornwall was anything but a land of rich squires and yeomen , it may also have enjoyed some immunity from the scourge of absolute poverty .
26 ‘ Mike would never have shot this Barak in the back , ’ Sabrina said once Kolchinsky had finished .
27 Some letters , however , suggest that Leapor was rather dilatory , and may not have done much work in the winter .
28 I could have done that back in the States . ’
29 If Lithuania had scored , as they should have done several times in the second half , maybe that would have shaken the Irish from their slumber .
30 Who else would have done those things for the NME — hanging out in Dingle Bay with Mike Scott and an accordion-bashing cow farmer , taking in the transvestite clubs with Fabulous , and singing ‘ Would You Take It In Your Mouth , Mrs Murphy ? ’ atop a hotel table in Moscow .
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