Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] [conj] she [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Even if the child is a drain on her health , and she can not cope with it , public opinion will totally condemn her if she neglects or injures her child .
2 Clotilde will never marry me if she learns that I have been a … friend of Irene Adler .
3 She will meet him when she comes back-if I live that long …
4 ‘ Looking back , does it surprise you that she left when she did ? ’
5 ‘ She 's not coming , ’ she replied , and she and Sebastian had to almost physically restrain him when she revealed that Rosemary 's husband was with her .
6 Roman would forget her but she doubted that she would be so lucky .
7 To allow the primary sufferer to wake up in yesterday 's clothes , reeking of vomit , may seem unkind and unpleasant but it is a good way of getting through the denial system which might otherwise lead him or her to think that a lot of fuss was being made over nothing .
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