Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun pl] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Only briefly at the end of the 1960s and again in the mid-1970s did average earnings rise significantly above the all-industry average .
2 ‘ But I do n't need incentives to play well in the World Cup , just playing for my country is enough .
3 A grant from the Theatre Trust should ensure plays put on in the former church now Saltburn 's Community Centre no longer literally bring the house down .
4 The network would be national , seeking to assist collaboration between the regions , but would also bring academics to work closely alongside the clinicians ‘ at the coalface ’ — where , he believes , many of the best ideas originate .
5 Often a wrought iron gate , strategically sited , say between house and garage , can prevent thieves walking openly to the rear .
6 I say ‘ by great good luck ’ , because the Turkish authorities do not like foreigners wandering about in the neighbourhood of frontiers , particularly the Russian frontier .
7 we might see boats fall out of the sky too .
8 ‘ When the tram passed Springfield Park , you know , by Alder Hey Hospital , I could see trenches dug all over the park .
9 ‘ Also I ca n't see cafes catching on in the North , we have n't got the weather to sit outside . ’
10 They do not see women going out into the world and doing .
11 It will enable organisations to conform fully with the EC directives on cross-border VAT payment , and comply with the resulting VAT payment and reporting requirements .
12 Ideally the MIS should be operated on the basis of ‘ management by exception ’ , ie it should enable managers to delegate confidently in the sure knowledge that significant variances in actual performance compared with standard performance will be highlighted in timely fashion by the system .
13 We can create particles made up of the other quarks ( strange , charmed , bottom , and top ) , but these all have a much greater mass and decay very rapidly into protons and neutrons .
14 She felt work with women was indispensable , not only for the trade union movement but as part of a longer educational process which would enable women to participate fully after the triumph of the FDR-FMLN .
15 Should they wish to complete the programme students should make arrangements to do so within the time limits specified .
16 The falling numbers of applicants to study medicine may force schools to think again about the courses they provide .
17 Labour councillors say they would rather have flats backing on to the gardens than rats and rubbish .
18 IXI says the initiative will also encourage users to move up to the latest 1.2 release of Motif — many are sticking with version 1.1 for the foreseeable future , unconvinced of the robustness of the new environment ( UX No 394 ) .
19 The club believe they lost £10-15,000 in gate money for last Saturday 's match against Liverpool because West Midlands Police issued a press statement warning supporters who did not have tickets to stay away from the Highfield Road ground .
20 Without the protection of these interests , the market order legitimated by interests theory countenances too many opportunities to trick and exploit others to live up to the virtues of trust and solidarity .
21 This commitment will encourage others to fall in with the change .
22 Do not leave peels lying about in the laboratory before mounting or filing them : they attract dust and lint and are easily scratched .
23 But he did not need to do so ; and he could make men pay heavily for the privilege of the regrant , as James V certainly did .
24 Under this Resolution , it was agreed to set up a Committee on Cultural Affairs , and that the Commission should implement actions decided on by the Council that were to be implemented at Community level .
25 If the new government — whoever heads it — wants to avoid an embarrassing , inflationary and recession-reinforcing rise in mortgage rates , it must allow societies to turn increasingly to the international money markets .
26 Both EDFAX and COMMUNITEL programs can allow pupils to work creatively in the school library , producing their own notice boards for school information on sports reports , school clubs and societies , lunch menus , social events in school , local pop concerts and other current information .
27 The government should let markets get on with the the job of allocating resources efficiently .
28 ‘ You think we should let others come here into the Domain ? ’
29 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what measures his Department has introduced to help mature women get back into the work force .
30 Bernard Down himself believes that the service will help independents to fight back against the direct insurance writers .
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