Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adj] [noun] [coord] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For example , it is often argued that it is common sense and natural that women will engage in child-rearing and domestic tasks and that men will make sexual advances and will work outside the home .
2 If multi-national companies exist and dividing frontiers against workers for their own games we should organize , cooperate and perhaps even amalgamate to resist the combat , to co to combat common problems and disputes second or third class nation will not service British workers but will undermine the nations .
3 The detailed design of individual modules will need careful thought and will need to respond to the problems which teachers themselves recognize as important .
4 In the final stage of EMU , reached via " a lengthy transitional process " , he envisaged that the European central bank system into which existing national central banks would be integrated , would enjoy guaranteed independence and could impose sanctions on governments which breached budgetary discipline .
5 They consist , for the most part , of demonstrations that a certain procedure can abolish latent inhibition but will leave habituation intact .
6 Purchasers may negotiate alternative formulae and should reserve the right to select the most advantageous formula at the time the claim is brought .
7 Carnival would mostly use leased airliners and would share flight codes with Iberia .
8 public support for the rule that a first use of nuclear weapons , even in a defensive mode in response to or in reasonable anticipation of a prior non-nuclear armed attack , would violate international law and would constitute a crime against humanity ;
9 A law student who is a CAB trainee volunteer may not fear legislative tomes but may want considerably more training to cope with an emotional client and feel the need for deeper counselling skills than basic training allows time for .
10 Personally though I do n't mind hefty boots and would prefer to feel the greater support around my ankles offered by other boots in the High Country range .
11 The question they wish to answer is ‘ Which pupils will excel in this area , will make useful contributions or will benefit most from the opportunities which are in our power to grant ? ’
12 The company believes that architects do not favour linear lamps and will welcome the smaller point-source of light provided by this single-ended lamp .
13 If I did this , I would probably use the official FFL kit , which would cost real money and may involve sending some stuff by post .
14 They felt the scheme would only create additional problems and would send more cars into Skerne Park which has already been earmarked by the county council as an accident blackspot .
15 If these new inputs had been in a form that small farmers in marginal areas could practically use , it could be hypothesised that the resulting extra incomes would encourage soil-conserving investments and would take the pressure off farmers to over-exploit the environment .
16 As the mosaicist had to understand but not devise geometries it is likely that he could amend illustrated motifs but would copy , as a whole , the arrangements suggested for a mosaic .
17 High aluminium levels can produce abnormal tadpoles and may suppress growth .
18 Although Westerners have invariably regarded a lack of individualism as a negative feature , an impediment to democracy and equality , Japan 's recent history suggests that an overriding emphasis on the group and the community can produce considerable strength and may have considerable virtues .
19 The family must be prepared to have black friends to demonstrate to the child that blacks and whites do have common interests and can interact harmoniously .
20 It is probable that the economic situation in the industrial countries will deteriorate further in the longer term as some of the constraints upon growth which I discussed earlier take effect ; and there will then be a much greater likelihood of conflict among the rich nations themselves in the struggle for natural resources , markets and some kind of economic growth , while the poorer developing countries will experience increasing hardship and may reach a point of economic collapse .
21 Officially , the ban was requested on the grounds that holding demonstrations on a working day would imperil public order and might disrupt the normal work of enterprises and public transport .
22 I mean I du n no whether it 's because they do n't want to lose votes or you know I mean they they were there sort of pontificating about we should all come little children and let's talk .
23 The obsessive compulsive neuroses such as obsessive washing and the various phobias will require medical assessment but may receive particular help from Emotions Anonymous , which also covers a whole range of other emotional disorders that may be significantly disturbing to the life of the sufferer and be beyond personal control .
24 This will reduce excessive root-spread and will contain the plant , thus providing a specimen of an attractive size .
25 Concentration of employment in a few locations will reduce infrastructural costs and may increase the external economies of scale available to firms and provide support for growth centre strategies for economic development , although it is by no means clear at what scale these advantages become significant ( Moseley 1974 ) .
26 That paper is the responsibility of the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State , and I have no doubt that when it has gone out we shall receive positive comments and shall act accordingly .
27 The Designated Research Centre within the unit will conduct substantive research and will make a contribution to methods and resources for social research in the UK .
28 Metron is playing its card very close to its chest and wo n't say much about the software other than it does n't emphasise regressive testing and will run on multithreaded operating systems .
29 Other people can often offer good ideas or may have useful experience from which you can benefit .
30 Such problems would inconvenience existing passengers and may deter potential users .
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