Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] i [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know if I believe in God .
2 ‘ No , I can not concentrate until I know about Philippe for sure .
3 The room seemed to turn round and round and I trembled with fear .
4 Her credibility increased when she advised me that it did not really matter whether I believed in homeopathy or not .
5 What 'll I do when I get to Bristol ?
6 It will do when I go to university .
7 And she 's asked us to go and stay and I said to John I Would n't stay in that bed again
8 In the first stages , the first winter , I do n't remember feeling cold at all ; or , at least , I do n't remember that I suffered from cold any more than anyone else did .
9 ‘ Why did you insist that I go to work for you … ?
10 Look , if the interrogation is over for tonight , do you mind if I go to sleep ? ’
11 ‘ Does anyone mind if I go to bed ? ’
12 She made some tea , she told me afterwards and stayed and stayed and stayed and he lived at Prindon and his mother was very very deaf and my mother got worried because he was going away the next day and she said to him , Len do n't you think you ought to spend the evening with your mother and he said , yes , I 'll go now and he ran off and he ran back again and he said , you do n't mind if I write to Ivy do you ?
13 he said erm do you mind if I travel to Richmond with you ?
14 First I 'll divulge that I went to Bristol — they 'll know that already if they 're bright enough — then I 'll say I went to this Bed and Breakfast — then I looked for a job …
15 I can mention that I spoke to Maurin at his gallery . ’
16 But it is incredible what the human frame will stand and I blinked in disbelief as the iron gates appeared once more under their arch of sooty branches .
17 This led to another form of coaching , I just can not remember how my interest in tennis arose , save that I used to practice for hours against an airman 's table top fixed to the netting of an old tennis court .
18 ‘ It would seem that I fell in love with an illusion .
19 ‘ I do n't care if I sleep in camp or the Bastille .
20 Yeah , he wants to buy that bit of land , he said I do n't care if I have to mortgage myself up to the hills he said !
21 And singing is part of that too — I did n't sing before I went into training even though I am musical and play both the piano and the flute .
22 She did n't look at us , did n't answer when I spoke in Bengali .
23 It was unbearable that the gallery girl should imagine that I belonged to Syl , that his glances and suggestive remarks had ensnared me .
24 So I think that you could say that I arrived in Jesselton in a mood of pleasurable anticipation .
25 It 's not my party and I 'll cry if I want to Vicky Hutchings gets the blues at the Telegraph 's election night bash
26 ELECTION WATCH It 's not my party and I 'll cry if I want to Vicky Hutchings gets the blues at the ‘ Telegraph 's ’ election-night victory celebrations
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