Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] there [modal v] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the observations do not agree with the predictions , we will know that there must be singularities in the class of possible histories .
2 If societies ‘ need ’ crime then it is logical to assume that they will ensure that there will be crime .
3 Convinced it was London , he invited me to join his campaign convoy the next day : ‘ Afterwards we can eat and there will be time to talk . ’
4 way , but we do believe that there should be accommodation in most places , for most , that we should have designated areas
5 I would suggest that there would be logic in both the other spokespersons attending this conference .
6 We could suggest that there could be beliefs of type 1 if there were beliefs which were justified by appeal to the facts and that a belief could be so justified if it was caused by the facts .
7 That 's one of the things , I think , that the Roman Catholics who hanker after the old Latin Mass and its ritual miss the most , and I sympathize with them in the sense that there is n't a great deal of mystery about most of the worship in most of our churches any more , and whilst it 's very right and proper for us to be very busy on practical matters , we must n't forget that there are very mysterious questions about our purpose here , about death and life , which are n't answered simply by doing things and being very busy — in fact , that may be a form of escapism — we need both , and I would hope that there will be room again in Christianity in Europe for worship to become something which speaks to the things I find mysterious , and in that respect I think the interest in spirituality and religious experience , in mysticism , in all those sort of areas about one 's personal religious life , and a lot of it not very orthodox or traditional .
8 So we we 're taking a consistent line on existing employment sites , we do want to reuse them but we do recognize that there may be circumstances where that er that is n't the case .
9 Effectively , this can happen because there might be diseconomies of scope , so that individual production is cheaper than multi-output production .
10 Naturally , I appreciate that it will mean that there will be gainers and losers , but the gainers will be the poorest and the losers will be those most able to afford a contribution toward what is required .
11 We would eat and drink and there would be entertainments and music and dancing and stories .
12 An hourly service from 10.00 will operate and there will be accommodation for non-Santa passengers .
13 Does he accept that there should be Community competence in that sphere ?
14 Because you know money-wise because we were not content to sit back and see er schemes being introduced that , which were going to act as a deterrent to er our members er being able to earn wages er on incentives and so therefore erm what happened was that we agreed that the consultants er head personnel manager would come down and talk to each group of people who were being put on to the incentive scheme , one , in order that he go over everything with them in regard to its application , and two , then answer any practical questions er where our members may find that there could be difficulties .
15 Pay would almost certainly rise and there would be redundancies on a significant and unacceptable scale .
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