Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] i [vb base] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know that I 've even seen that .
2 Will he also recognise that I have never believed that there are no Tories in Scotland , for one Tory has spoken for Conservative respectability in Scotland , and he is the hon. Member for Dumfries ( Sir H. Monro ) ?
3 It 's , I 'm really really busy at work , I 'm at a warehouse , and I do n't know if I 've maybe caught a muscle .
4 and he wants some long-line , well I did have some , but I do n't know if I 've still got them
5 Right , but we have covered most things that 's ev , I do n't know if I 've actually missed anything out , right but just to clarify my thinking what is it you do actually want to think about , is it the the colour , is it what glass you want in the bathroom ?
6 I was actually quite low on the activists and higher on these three but I managed to wonder sometimes where I worked ever so hard on a session I ca n't really ca n't understand you know why it 's not going very well and I thought well when I then watched other people do something that had a lot of action I thought well why did they like that more and I never I did n't know but I 've actually learnt that you have to put activities in , cos you , you know you do get people with a very strong activist preference .
7 The trouble is I did n't know because I 've never heard the word before .
8 ‘ I do n't know because I have only played with Rush , ’ said Dalglish .
9 If you say something to me I check that I have understood your message by saying it back to you in my own words , for if I repeat your own words exactly you will doubt whether I have really understood you .
10 I hope that the reader will feel that I have satisfactorily dealt with the first .
11 As a younger person I , I would expect that I 've probably got another fifteen years to go to the menopause , but I 'm looking forward to it as a relief from pre-menstrual syndrome !
12 There was no doubt in my mind what I would do and I 've never regretted going into the business because we 've seen it grow enormously .
13 I do n't remember that I 've never seen it on any minutes
14 Let me see if I 've still got pressure , see if we , see what you think got ta pick her up .
15 I must admit that I have always assumed that ‘ last day ’ of one month compared with ‘ last day ’ of any other month , irrespective of actual date .
16 It may seem that I 've never taken my title seriously , but below the skin I have great respect for it , and for this house too and the men who have gone before me who made it .
17 ‘ However , ’ Herbie continued , ‘ I will concede that I have never seen one as far upstream as this before . ’
18 I will make sure that I meet you but I shall pretend that I have never seen you before .
19 We both know what an outrageously male chauvinist pig you are , Ross — but , in case you have n't guessed , I find it very insulting that you should insinuate that I have somehow slept my way up to my present position ! ’
20 I ca n't say that I 've even found cases with definite pathology needing to dilute more .
21 ‘ I 'm quite disappointed by the sound of the amp — it 's just not there for me — although I would say that I 've always thought Trace Elliot had a kind of soul-less sound .
22 ‘ Well , I ca n't say that I 've really earned this , ’ said John , taking a cup , ‘ but perhaps I can be forgiven my first day .
23 So I can honestly say that I 've never known anyone who 's ever played for Leeds .
24 So I can honestly say that I 've never known anyone who 's ever played for Leeds .
25 Thank you very much , I can only say that I have always felt it a privilege to be part of N C V O. Er , I have enjoyed my time enormously and if I 've had any role that I feel that I 'm proud of , it 's constantly bringing members to mind .
26 I will own that I have often said and lamented that the library was not fit to be seen …
27 I du n no if I 've still got it
28 Any hints on getting into any other grounds would also help as I 've actually got time this year to go and watch them .
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