Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] it [vb mod] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ye of little faith should know that it could be earned but not in a normal working week .
2 In all his writings from hiding he had increasingly found a brave and defiant secular voice : one that recognised a ‘ God-shaped hole ’ in life , but did not doubt that it could be filled by art , literature and imagination .
3 ‘ And the commission would not agree to postpone payment until slaughter unless we could guarantee that it would be picked up by the holder of the animal when it was ten months old . ’
4 ‘ I do not consider that it can be said that at the moment of striking the child , he [ the father ] had the necessary evil intent or wilfulness to justify a finding either that he assaulted the child or that he wilfully ill-treated her .
5 Cos in you do n't know if it 'll be moved by then .
6 The inspiration of this analysis is thus the underlying idea that any mode of production which redistributes wealth away from its producers will not survive unless it can be made to appear acceptable , and that certain modes of legitimation are particularly well-suited to certain modes of production .
7 Moreover I do not think that it can be said that they succeed in righting the imbalance in the symbolism of Christianity .
8 I find this a difficult case to understand but I do not think that it can be said to support the Woolwich principle .
9 I do not think that it can be doubted either that he wrote , i.e. dictated , a fair number of the letters in the RNI .
10 The question is whether grammar ought to be taught as a separate formal study , like harmony or counterpoint , or whether a teacher can assume that it will be picked up through practice .
11 Her anger , newly kindled , needed something to scorch and shrivel before it could be extinguished .
12 How much time must elapse before it can be decided that a programme has seriously degenerated , that it is incapable of leading to the discovery of new phenomena ?
13 ( 2 ) If the specimen with the lower proportion of alcohol contains no more than 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath , the person who provided it may claim that it should be replaced by such specimen as may be required under section 7(4) of this Act and , if he then provides such a specimen , neither specimen of breath shall be used .
14 Nor do I believe that it can be said that in no way can we disentangle ourselves from the religious myth which we have inherited .
15 As suggested by one formidable opponent of the views in question ( also the author of the objection having to do with understanding Chinese ) we do not so understand consciousness that we can believe that it must be possessed by a set of water pipes , paper clips , and old beer cans , provided that they instantiate a certain programme .
16 He believed that induced abortion was an outrage against women 's health when performed in inadequate conditions ' but he did not believe that it should be made legal .
17 Does she believe that it should be left in that country ?
18 Now if we look at the first of these in terms of structure we can see that it can be defined as a dramatic exercise , fulfilling the principal requisite of exercise as outlined in Chapter Three — a commitment to a short-term task .
19 P1 is not a LP , but we shall see that it can be transformed into one by observing that criterion ( 10.1 ) can be rewritten as and , if we define deviation variables d 1 , e 1 , > 0 to satisfy then , provided at least one of d 1 and e 1 is zero , ( 10.2 ) is equal
20 He is ever confused and his confusion makes him angry and I can not see that it can be helped though it is hard to endure .
21 Could you perhaps see if it can be adjusted in the same way as Samuel Cyuma 's , perhaps to a date in October ?
22 But it might not be a bad idea to go down that route to see if we can we can see if it can be exploit it at this stage because we have discussed , and I know this is getting off the the the the agen
23 Basic to all operant conditioning is the principle that the response must occur before it can be reinforced ( Rivers 1964 , p32 ) .
24 Limitation of family size will not happen unless it can be done without trespassing on conscience and unless practicable means are available ; and unless it is perceived to be in the families ' interests to do so ( Coale 1973 ) .
25 The going concern concept does not apply since it can be assumed that , absent law to the contrary , all authorities will exist into the foreseeable future .
26 Do n't joke about serious issues or say things you do n't mean or it could be held against you later .
27 Taking RNA as food , as Cameron had given it , would simply mean that it would be broken down to its precursor molecules in the gut before being absorbed into the bloodstream .
28 Using the example of the work of Bourdieu , it has been argued that , although the object may be closely associated with the most fundamental and hidden aspects of socialization , this does not mean that it must be analysed only by determinant , rule-based objectivist procedures , since as an instrument of social strategy it retains a high degree of flexibility .
29 Similarly , the fact that ‘ I meant you , not Jones ’ is in the past tense does not mean that it must be based on something one remembers doing .
30 But , of course , writing something into a constitution does not necessarily mean that it will be honoured in practice .
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