Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] [pron] [was/were] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The rules which apply to such cases and can be derived from the cases are summed up in Chitty on Contracts as follows : ( 1 ) If the person receiving the document did not know that there was writing or printing on it , he is not bound .
2 ‘ We do n't know that anyone was killed or injured near there so there should n't be anyone haunting it . ’
3 She did n't know if she was rocking or if it was the room .
4 ‘ I do n't even know if he was killed that Sunday or if he was tortured before he was murdered .
5 I did n't know if he was armed or
6 I do n't know if it was pressed or not , hello
7 He managed somehow to get under my skin , tangle me up inside so that I did n't know if I was coming or going .
8 I DID N'T know whether I was coming or going .
9 ‘ The transfer talk did get to me , I admit , and for a time I did n't know whether I was going or coming .
10 I did n't know whether you were coming or not cos you said you did n't know .
11 You did n't know whether you were coming or going !
12 Derek said he did n't know whether he was humping or limping . ’
13 JUNIOR education minister William Shelton did not know whether he was coming or going last week when he gave an experimental communications system known as Project Universe its first public airing .
14 had to go to a breakdown , the poor bloke did n't know whether he was coming or going so one of these situations that stress stress arrives .
15 If A had an honest doubt whether there was a contract at all between B and C it has been held that this would provide a good defence but if the doubt is whether A 's rights or C's under two inconsistent agreements should prevail and A chooses to adopt a course which on one view of the law will undoubtedly interfere with C 's rights , it has been said that he must at least show that he was advised and honestly believed that he was entitled to take that course .
16 Now , watching her , I thought that Fatima might , at this girl 's behest , change her life , her ways , and I wondered what she would do if she was hearing that she would find no husband , have no children , lose her life to Leviathan .
17 The reference to ‘ the application in the prescribed manner ’ makes me believe that it was contemplated that some form of summary process would be prescribed in order to enable speedy relief to be given in clear cases .
18 Her fair skin was covered with sprays of tiny golden-brown freckles , and he could see that she was colouring as she mei his eyes .
19 She kept her face averted but Melissa could see that she was drawn and pale .
20 I could see that she was scowling and stiffening into a Mark 2 temper , so I gave her an encouraging smile — which raised her , as I expected , to a Mark 3 .
21 If a B T employee did disclose information against all their training and against the rules that we 've got in place in B T , then we would obviously take that very seriously indeed and erm dismissal would no doubt follow if it was found that th the person had disclosed information .
22 It does not necessarily remember whether it was hurt or not : it only remembers being afraid .
23 He was screaming for a long time before he fell , and we could hear that he was running as he screamed .
24 People in the contracting phase would live their lives backward : they would die before they were born and get younger as the universe contracted .
25 This does not mean that nothing was bought and sold in the independent sector , still less that the agricultural producers in it were self-sufficient , though it is probable that a rather high proportion of peasant agriculture was consumed on the peasant holding , or within the narrow limits of a local system of exchange , if only because the food demands of the small cities in so many areas could be supplied from within a radius of little more than one or two dozen miles .
26 And how in the months and years ahead he had grown angry with her , for she would never let him forget that he was caged and unfree .
27 Stella could n't tell whether she was acting or not — she looked dreadful , as if she was suffering from the worst sort of headache , and yet she kept watching herself in the glass , turning her face this way and that , peering forward to follow the track of a tear rolling down her cheek .
28 He decided it would go as it was written while he proceeded with other matters .
29 Even there it would seem that he was known because a woman came to him and asked him to drive out an unclean spirit from her daughter .
30 Other bands just would n't give a toss , they 'd pose like they were asked if they thought they were going to get a front cover . ’
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