Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] [verb] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is perhaps surprising that he did not count and find that he had double the actual number present , but he , too , has departed .
2 All I know is that God is n't a good explanation , so we must wait and hope that somebody comes up with a better one . "
3 When servicing your " fridge " choose a service engineer whom you can trust and insist that he collects any gas that he bleed off in a proper cylinder .
4 A question is an attention-focusing device , especially on things that we do not yet know but know that we do not know .
5 Exactly how he achieved this I can not explain except to say that he had a kind of eloquence that made you think he was speaking to you personally and the gift of a born story-teller .
6 Attempting to copy a decorative technique can confirm or disprove that it produces the same appearance and microstructure observed on the original item .
7 It was , after all , a wonderful sensation creeping through her in response to his lips , and she found herself drifting into co-operation with him , holding his perfect body against her , feeling his heart beat and knowing that they fitted together in a most satisfactory way .
8 Sir John did not demur but insisted that he join us .
9 As I do not suggest or recommend that we reduce our intake to such a very low level , we need not concern ourselves that we will eat insufficient quantities to endanger our health .
10 Let us hope and pray that we have faith strong enough and trust deep enough to bring the love that our world so desperately needs .
11 ‘ I 'll hope and pray that we do n't ! ’ she said , her voice unsteady .
12 You 'd better hope and pray that you wake someday into your own .
13 So to say , ‘ Jesus is God ’ , does not imply or claim that we have made direct observation of a hidden ‘ divine nature ’ in him , or explored his relationship with the Father from the inside .
14 I shall try and ensure that I reach the aspirations of the people and that I let no one down . ’
15 They did try and imply that I went to the toilet for some sexual activity with the lead singer of Suede , which is a bit boring , and something that I 'd probably wish for more than think was nasty
16 Fitzormonde and Mowbray had always been soft , they could whine and moan that they had not been to blame , but Horne had agreed to Whitton 's plan and built a thriving business on the proceeds .
17 During training , your instructor makes you practise and insists that you try to fly more accurately and efficiently all the time .
18 They 'll want to speak to you and ask why you need an emergency supply and check that you have had a previous prescription for the same medicine .
19 ‘ I had seen them live and thought that they had an energy .
20 Perhaps he will even write and say that he knows nothing of it — that it is the Mayhews , Augusta 's family , who have announced a marriage .
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