Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] what he be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Or he may know exactly what he 's doing — and be doing it for reasons his companions know nothing of , his meaning anything but benevolent .
2 Do n't know quite what he 's doing , pulling a funny face as usual .
3 So the man could calculate exactly what he was earning you know , hour by hour if not day by day and week by week .
4 She liked the tender line of his lip : she could see now what he was thinking .
5 Endill could not make out what he was shouting but whatever it was it was not very friendly .
6 In March 1917 when news of the Russian revolution reached Paris , Modi went running to find his writer friend Ilya Ehrenburg , embraced him and began ‘ screeching enthusiastically ’ , so that Ehrenburg could barely make out what he was saying .
7 Occasionally he talked in his sleep but she could never make out what he was saying .
8 She could n't make out what he was saying , though ; the door was too thick .
9 Then I heard Quigley 's low bass , but could n't make out what he was saying .
10 Genet describes him as ‘ so obviously both a pimp — a barracks or red-light district ponce — and a whore that I could never make out what he was doing among the fedayeen ’ ( p. 153 ) .
11 We would tread very carefully but we have done this sort of thing before and we would try and make him realise just what he 's doing to himself . ’
12 When I did find out what he was thinking , I must say I was surprised .
13 ‘ How could I find out what he was doing between 1980 and 1982 ? ’ he asked .
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