Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] a [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Organizations can absorb only a small number of people with these work goals .
2 A die could survive over a long period of time .
3 The rating process can tie up a considerable amount of management time , and the company , of course , pays a fee to the rating agency .
4 Should we regard music as a kind of anaesthetic for weary executives so that we can opt out a warm bath of string sound ?
5 For example , placing the blocks in the centre of a large room or out on the porch , instead of in their usual corner , can stimulate quite a different type of play .
6 Liberal Democrat candidate Suzanne Fletcher said if her party were in power they would bring in a new type of rented housing , called partnership housing , which would cater for middle income groups wanting to rent rather than buy , built through public and private money .
7 Liberal Democrat candidate Suzanne Fletcher said if her party were in power they would bring in a new type of rented housing , called partnership housing , which would cater for middle income groups wanting to rent rather than buy , built through public and private money .
8 It should bring in a great deal of money . ’
9 ‘ It is clear we need to sell and bring in a fair amount of money before we can think of buying again .
10 ‘ It is clear that we need to sell and bring in a fair amount of money before we can think about buying again . ’
11 I hope they realise by being here we will bring in a huge amount of trade .
12 For most chemical reactions the rate of reaction is much slower than the collision frequency so you must assume only a small fraction of collisions result in a reaction .
13 Agency laboratories can process only a certain number of samples at any given time and organize the taking of samples to produce a steady and predictable flow .
14 Involve the children in the selection of books for the library by asking the school 's library service or a book shop to regularly send along a large range of new titles on a sale or return basis and let the children have a say in what 's bought on their behalf .
15 The discussion will bring together a wide range of scientists , including crystallographers , spectroscopists and theoreticians , who are interested in enzymes .
16 To travel through London , clicking off the edge of most outdoor scenes will bring up a large map of London .
17 Ideational apraxia is seen when a patient can not carry out a complex sequence of movements , even though he is capable of carrying out each movement individually .
18 Using this as his measure of , Lucas can carry out a separate regression of on and for each of the countries for which he has data , once he has solved the problem of how to measure for each country .
19 For this reason we would be grateful if you would carry out a thorough investigation of the accident with a view to preparing a suitable report to support our client 's claim in negotiation and , if necessary , at trial .
20 Curiously , when you ask them how they would react to deletion of the procedure of inviting criticism of their draft reports from the regulations , their response is along the lines of : ‘ If we were not required to do it we would probably carry out a similar course of action unofficially in order to ensure that we had not missed an important point . ’
21 The latter will carry out a small number of random spot checks to verify a company 's samples .
22 The Environmental Health Officer will however carry out a Financial Test of resources to determine how much , if anything , you are expected to pay towards the ‘ reasonable ’ costs .
23 MMC also said that in preparing its business plan each of our businesses should carry out a strategic review of its options in conjunction with a product/market sector analysis .
24 We find it valuable to have a checklist of potential style markers ( even though this list itself is necessarily selective ) so that a reader may carry out a linguistic survey of the text , searching for significant features .
25 We will carry out a free survey of your electrical installations and visually check the condition of your wiring .
26 Those were the days of the Board 's Cruises when , traditionally , a few members of the Board of Customs would carry out a seaborne inspection of a chosen area in the United Kingdom .
27 Stroud grants that if we want to know how a third person can know the nature of reality , we might carry out a psychological investigation of his methods of information processing , and then compare the results of his reasoning with known facts .
28 Before we can carry out a detailed examination of the organisation in order to produce a data model which will then be implemented on a database , the analysts need to gain a general appreciation of the business ( this term is interpreted broadly to include all types of organisation in the public and private sectors ) .
29 However , another year I shall not grow even a low line of peas along the south border .
30 The loss of our semi-professional status would bring about a mass exodus of players as many of them rely on their match fees to bolster dole cheques .
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