Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] the [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 All that would reinforce the particular policy to which my hon. Friend referred and would damage tremendously the prospects of the British people and destroy countless jobs .
2 AIDS patients are being given a new vaccine which could slow down the effects of the disease .
3 Does he believe that the loans plus grants system covers the full year or does it cover only the terms after the Christmas and Easter vacations and , if so , what does he recommend to students who can not find work during the summer in the present employment conditions and who had to resort last summer to the soup kitchens ?
4 The Renton Committee noted that definitions may take various forms : they may be exhaustive ; they may be merely inclusionary ; they may concentrate only the boundaries of the concept ; they may seek to exclude descriptive material and concentrate upon conceptual analysis ; they may rely upon general principles .
5 Between them , they can track down the whereabouts of the caller .
6 How large were the , were the classes with these influx of all these , di did it boost up the numbers in the ?
7 Secondly , we should consider carefully the statutes of the monetary institution .
8 When engineers go back to the drawing board and create a new design , they do not necessarily throw away the ideas from the old design .
9 But note that there is an intimate connection between the ‘ dynamic ’ parameters a and k , the odd responses of the subjects to changes in these parameters , and the inability of ( at least some of ) the subjects to completely think through the implications of the dynamic structure of the problem .
10 Loopy Lil began piling the tea-things on to the tray to carry back to the kitchen , and Mrs Hollidaye suggested Gloria should go and help bring in the vegetables from the shed for supper , when an insistent bell began ringing out somewhere within the house .
11 We will establish a new Environment Agency which will bring together the functions of the National Rivers Authority , Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution and the waste regulation functions of local authorities .
12 Analysis of this problem is greatly facilitated by the fact that we can identify anatomically the subregions of the visual cortex most likely to be involved in colour vision .
13 We doubt whether the shock-horror TV advertising campaign will directly stop youngsters sniffing solvents , but it should bring home the horrors of the practice to those who can do something about it parents .
14 I 'll send up the chaps from the mortuary van if you 're ready for them to take him away . "
15 If you read again the sections covered by the mnemonic MACRO , you will appreciate that the best effects are produced when you do not merely soak up the words of the textbook author , like some print-absorbing sponge .
16 The problem was , however , that the ink often obscured the watermark as well as large sections of the paper which could show up the idiosyncrasies of the particular mould used ( the point being that the hundreds of paper mills in existence at the time not only had their own watermarks but that each particular paper mould had its own variations in the structure of its wires ) .
17 Rather say , " At the next meeting , Ms Smith will report on the action taken " ; or " Mr Jones will carry out the instructions of the committee and report back . "
18 Newly created " executive delegations " would carry out the functions of the dissolved councils .
19 A public inquiry might be more beneficial because , as my hon. Friend said , it would bring out the details of the scheme .
20 Where goldfish are kept in the latter system , lighting is best provided by a combination of Grolux and warm white tubes as this will bring out the colours of the fish .
21 However , the tenant 's advisers must study closely the terms of the deemed subletting .
22 Finally , we are so close that we can see only the details of the actions : feet kicking balls , spades scooping up sand and so on .
23 The effect of section 9 is that the Crown can not rely directly on wire-tapping evidence in legal proceedings , but may use only the fruits of the interception .
24 In company , with another or others , they would bank down the embers of the past .
25 They say we need more rain because most of the downpour will run down the rivers to the sea .
26 There were two problems , the youngest children 's reading was n't good enough to manage the menu and most were too short to actually see over the tops of the containers on the heated cabinet to make their choice , because of this when they reached the counter they asked to have the same as the child in front making a nonsense of the notion of choice .
27 But until first light , how would he fend off the terrors of the darkness ?
28 You can look up the sections in the library .
29 By measuring the trace amounts of radioactive carbon in coral skeletons , which decays at a known rate , he could work out the ages of the corals at different depths in his boreholes .
30 The inspiring influence behind an automatic promotion triumph is determined Boro will not just make up the numbers in the top flight .
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