Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [conj] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The " correct " way of constructing a building could never be such that it would immediately fall down when it was completed .
2 Supporters of random breath testing believe these figures would fall dramatically if it was introduced .
3 Will he explain exactly when it was discovered that that material was in the bags sent to Wandsworth prison and when the search for it started ?
4 But central government need not give such an undertaking if it is seeking to enforce compliance with a statute or regulation ; although it must do so if it is seeking to protect its property or contractual interests .
5 2. it will do so because it is undertaken with such a belief ;
6 Ventura can accept files from a large number of programs so formatted text from , say , WordPerfect will appear just as it was typed .
7 But there is nothing you can do to make it grow longer than it is programmed to do by your body chemistry .
8 Contrariety will only appear here if it is specified that apples ( or pears ) constituted the whole of the purchase : All I bought were some apples/pears .
9 On the other hand , however energetically desirable it may be , the car will not run downhill unless it is provided with wheels and the brake is off .
10 It seems then that a Romalpa clause will , if properly worded , work in the case of unmixed goods and the proceeds of sale of unmixed goods , but that in the case of mixed goods ( and their proceeds of sale ) will work only if it is registered as a charge created by the buying company .
11 Mr Pavlov said that the anti-crisis programme will work only if it is backed by all 15 republics .
12 The Bill will work better if it is implemented properly , if there is access to training for all who want it , if there are flexible patterns of employment to enable nurses to stay in the work force following post-basic training and if community care — where they will be doing their work — is implemented and fully funded .
13 Most studies consider only social behaviour in the herd , or readily observed facts , such as that the horse is easily frightened , or that it will work better if it is rewarded rather than punished .
14 ‘ I quite like that one , chief But I ca n't see exactly where it 's leading to . ’
15 And again you leave it standing a certain time and you pour off your whey and take your curd in to a muslin and er hang it up and again more whey 'll drain off cos it 's hanging up .
16 I could n't work out where it was coming from .
17 The legislature 's vote was an embarrassment for Mr Kravchuk , but it has left Ukraine with a paralysed government at a time when the country must react swiftly if it is to survive increased prices for Russian fuel .
18 Do n't join in if it is getting hurtful .
19 The dish contained something shiny and wobbly and pink with a cherry on it , and in some strange way it managed to look like something you would n't eat even if it was pushed on to your plate after a week 's starvation diet .
20 ‘ I think I 'd rather stay here because it 's fixed now , but I do n't really like comprehensive schools that much .
21 A clear reluctance on the part of many Japanese even to discuss the problem suggests a reluctance to admit to the existence of the burakumin as an outcaste group , on the assumption that a problem that is not talked about is not a problem , or at least is one that will go away if it is ignored .
22 It seems to me the thing can go back if it 's going to give that much trouble .
23 can go now so it 's gon na be Foxy
24 If a work is bigger than a man , he wrote , it can mean either that it is trying to surpass man or that it is not afraid of being looked at .
25 The actions of human characters involve a whole grammar of visual signals which the audience will pick up if it is given the right clues .
26 Surely Tom one of the main criteria should be placing seats in the studio theatre for something with a bit more comfortable that way perhaps the punter 's will come back more often it 's easier to make a punter come back than it is getting in there in the first place . .
27 The fragment sheds some illumination on what it was like to be a feminist 50 years ago , though we would point out that it was written 20 years after the event with all the problems of interpretation that implies .
28 Hospice administrator Deidre Shaw said : ‘ Our shop is a most essential source of income and can only operate well if it is given support by the public .
29 One thing is certain : we can not just amble on and it is going to cost us dearly — £40 000 million according to the National Water Council and others .
30 Unused cement from open bags will last longer if it is transferred to well-sealed plastic bags .
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